How to Convert I2S Port pins into GPIO in 28.2 of Jetson TX2

we are using jetson TX2 with auvidia carrier board , we want to convert I2S port pins of auvidia into GPIOs (pinmux) and we have made it on 32.1 version but we are unable to do in 28.2 version we noticed some of the config files are not there in the 28.2 please help us to achieve this

This is the GPIO number(320+9x8+0)=392 and physical address of the pinmux register 0x02431040, How to do the Pinmuxing to enable the pins as GPIO

hello fahad.k,

it seems you would like to control gpio pin: GPIO3_PJ.00
could you please access Pinmux spreadsheets from Jetson Download Center.
please update the spreadsheet for customization, you should also check TX2 Configuring Pinmux GPIO and PAD chapter for the configuration steps.