How to convert pytorch (YoloV5) model to INT8


I am trying to convert YoloV5 (Pytorch) model to tensorrt INT8. I have taken 90 images which I stored in calibration folder and I have created the image directory text file (valid_calibartion.txt)


undefined reference to Int8EntropyCalibrator2::Int8EntropyCalibrator2(int, int, int, char const*, char const*, char const*, bool)' CMakeFiles/yolov5.dir/yolov5.cpp.o: In function createEngine_m(unsigned int, nvinfer1::IBuilder*, nvinfer1::IBuilderConfig*, nvinfer1::DataType)‘:
/Downloads/tensorrtx-master_2/yolov5/tensorrtx-master/yolov5/INT8_yolov5/yolov5.cpp:214: undefined reference to Int8EntropyCalibrator2::Int8EntropyCalibrator2(int, int, int, char const*, char const*, char const*, bool)' CMakeFiles/yolov5.dir/yolov5.cpp.o: In function createEngine_l(unsigned int, nvinfer1::IBuilder*, nvinfer1::IBuilderConfig*, nvinfer1::DataType)’:
/Downloads/tensorrtx-master_2/yolov5/tensorrtx-master/yolov5/INT8_yolov5/yolov5.cpp:313: undefined reference to Int8EntropyCalibrator2::Int8EntropyCalibrator2(int, int, int, char const*, char const*, char const*, bool)' CMakeFiles/yolov5.dir/yolov5.cpp.o: In function createEngine_x(unsigned int, nvinfer1::IBuilder*, nvinfer1::IBuilderConfig*, nvinfer1::DataType)‘:
/tensorrtx-master_2/yolov5/tensorrtx-master/yolov5/INT8_yolov5/yolov5.cpp:413: undefined reference to `Int8EntropyCalibrator2::Int8EntropyCalibrator2(int, int, int, char const*, char const*, char const*, bool)’
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
CMakeFiles/yolov5.dir/build.make:114: recipe for target ‘yolov5’ failed
make[2]: *** [yolov5] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:67: recipe for target ‘CMakeFiles/yolov5.dir/all’ failed
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/yolov5.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:83: recipe for target ‘all’ failed
make: *** [all] Error 2


TensorRT Version:
GPU Type: GeForce RTX 2060/PCIe/SSE2
Nvidia Driver Version: 418.67
CUDA Version: 10.1
CUDNN Version: 10
Operating System + Version: Ubuntu +16.04
Python Version (if applicable): 3.6
PyTorch Version (if applicable): 1.6.0

Relevant Files

Github Link : tensorrtx/yolov5 at master · wang-xinyu/tensorrtx · GitHub

Hi, Request you to share the ONNX model and the script so that we can assist you better.

Alongside you can try validating your model with the below snippet

import sys
import onnx
filename = yourONNXmodel
model = onnx.load(filename)

Alternatively, you can try running your model with trtexec command.


Thank you so much for the quick response.
I am not using onnx model.
I am converting file to yolov5.wts
using please find attached file.

gen_wts (copy).py (877 Bytes)

i am creating yolov5.engine file using below link.
link: tensorrtx/yolov5 at master · wang-xinyu/tensorrtx · GitHub

Thank you

Hi @yugendra,
Can you please check the below link for your reference.

Also, we recommend you to try the latest TRT release for improved performance.


Hi @AakankshaS,

  1. What is the format of the calibration dataset so that i can create my own dataset ?
  2. How many images have to be in this calibration dataset ?
  3. How can i create calibration table?

Thank you.

Hi @yugendra,
Please refer to the below link
