Hi, I am having trouble installing this plug in as I have no idea what to do and there is no documentation that provides me with information on what to do ( that i can find and i have been searching for over an hour now ). I go onto the download center ( https://developer.nvidia.com/gameworksdownload ) and click on “PhysX: Maya DCC plug-in” which drops down the list of downloads and i click on “Maya 2015” and then it starts downloading a .txt file called “NVIDIA_PhysX_For_Autodesk_Maya_2015_64bit_3.3.10510.21132.txt” that I have no idea what to do with once it is finished downloading. I have tried opening it and all it gives me is a bunch of gibberish in notepad, I hope to hear from someone soon, thankyou.
Something wrong with your browser. It should download a .msi file. Please try another web browser.
But you can also try to rename your .txt to .msi as long as it has right file size. Then double click the .msi file to install.