How to set the dbscan_min_samples parameter in facenet notebook

I’m trying to run facenet, a sample notebook from the TAO toolkit provided by NVIDIA, and I got an error message.

It was caused by a value that could not be converted to an integer being entered into int(). I found that the value of descan_min_samples in $SPECS_DIR/facenet_train_resnet18_kitti.txt was 0.03.

When I changed this value to 3 as a trial, I got an error message telling me to set it to 1 or less.

I thought it might be a variable to set the percentage of the total number of samples, but if I set it to a value less than 1, the code would not run in the first place.
What is the correct way to set this variable?

Good morning,
I had the same issue tring to convert PeopleNet etlt model to tensorRT engine in TAO 5 and using the spec file available withing the last version of nvidia-tao repository

Are the spec file changed from TAO 4 to TAO 5?

Yes, please set to 1.
Refer to

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