I had followed an excellent tutorial on setting up VC++2005 Express to run CUDA code, however it worked till the compile part, the Linker keeps saying that Cudart.lib and Cuda32.lib files aremissing. please help me with that one.
I’m using CUDA 2.2, my card does not support the CUDA 2.3 driver. its a GeForce 8600, i think 4 SM , 32 SP. type CUDA enabled.
I just made an attachment of my log file,
I was able to locate cudart.lib and cutil32D.lib in the following folders respectively.
C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA CUDA SDK\Common\lib\cutil32D.lib
i log into my windows vista after entering the username and password though i am the administrator, does that kind of logging in affect the path. BuildLog.htm (4.59 KB)
I did the following and it compiled just fine.
Tools ->options
in the options window
Project and Solutions
VC++ Directories
click on new line icon
manually locate and add cudart.lib and cutil32.lib.
Once those paths are included
The program builds and runs just fine