How to solve the problem "0: copyin MemcpyAsync (dev=0x704b27e00, host=0x203707e00, size=32000)

I have debugged to found the error point to the line of the code “ERR = cudaMemcpyAsync(DEN,m_DEN,dm_NPRT)”
both DEN and m_DEN are declared and the memories are also allocated.They are device and host memory, respectively.
cudaMemcpyAsync are also occurred before the line and those code can work through.
And the code can work in my home computer (Cuda5.5/K20), But it not in my office computer(CUDA7.5/GK110B).

The following is the message occurred when I run the executable program with cuda-memcheck.

========= Invalid shared write of size 16
========= at 0x00000250 in nbl_cal_neighborelist_devkernel2c_
========= by thread (0,0,0) in block (14,0,0)
========= Address 0x00000004 is misaligned
========= Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at kernel launch time
========= Host Frame:/usr/lib64/nvidia/ (cuLaunchKernel + 0x2cd) [0x15865d]
========= Host Frame:/opt/pgi/linux86-64/2015/cuda/7.5/lib64/ [0x146ad]
========= Host Frame:/opt/pgi/linux86-64/2015/cuda/7.5/lib64/ (cudaLaunch + 0x143) [0x2ece3]
========= Host Frame:./fasMD.exe [0xe8260]
========= Host Frame:./fasMD.exe [0xe7946]
========= Host Frame:./fasMD.exe [0xe3315]
========= Host Frame:./fasMD.exe [0x5002]
========= Host Frame:./fasMD.exe [0x77fe]
========= Host Frame:./fasMD.exe [0x3b34]
========= Host Frame:/lib64/ (__libc_start_main + 0xfd) [0x1ed5d]
========= Host Frame:./fasMD.exe [0x3a29]

Checking A003
0: copyout MemcpyAsync (host=0x203707e00, dev=0x704b27e00, size=32000, stream=0) FAILED: 4(unspecified launch failure)
========= ERROR SUMMARY: 168 errors
[baoqin@oums-sfgpu MD]$ cuda-memcheck ./fasMD.exe ipa.thfu 0 1

Some friends from the internet tell me the error may not come from cudaMemcpyAsync,but may come from the kernel subroutine of cal_neighborelist_devkernel2c. And then I check the kernel.
First, I comment out the kernel subroutine, the program can work through. So I think the error should come from the kernel.
Then, I comment part of the kernel or/and add some demo line to check the errror. But it is not successful. And I can’t found the error point. could someone help me? and I will post the kernel subroutine below

use constant
implicit none
real(KINDDF), value::cra011,cra021,cra031,cra012,cra022,cra032,cra013,cra023,cra033
real(KINDDF), device::XP(3,NPART)
integer, device::ITYP(NPART), NAC(NC), IA1th(NC)

!--- Local variables
!nonshared by threads
real(KINDSF)::POS(3), SEP(3)
integer::IB, IB0, IT, IA, IA0,IA00, JA, NN, I, J, K, ITY

!variables share by all thread
integer,shared::NB, IC, IS0, STARTA, NCXY, NCXYZ,IX0, IY0, IZ0,IC0, NACC0
integer,shared::NS,NACC, IAC, IACE, FROM, TO
integer, shared, dimension(mp_NNC)::CID, IX,IY, IZ, OUT

integer(1), shared, dimension(mp_NNC)::I_mvl
real(KINDSF), shared, dimension(3,mp_NNC)::CXYZ 
real(KINDSF), shared, dimension(3,mp_BLOCKSIZE)::SPOS
real(KINDSF), shared::RC2(mp_MXGROUP,mp_MXGROUP)
integer, shared, dimension(mp_BLOCKSIZE)::JTY      

IB  =  (blockidx%y-1) * griddim%x +  blockidx%x-1

NB = blockdim%x*blockdim%y


IB0  =  IB0 + CFROM-1

if(IB0 .GE. CTO) return

IT  = (threadidx%y-1)*blockdim%x + threadidx%x                                    
if(IT .EQ. 1) then
    RC2(1:mp_MXGROUP,1:mp_MXGROUP) = dcm_RU2(1:mp_MXGROUP,1:mp_MXGROUP)
    IS0 = IB0/NCXYZ
    IC = IB0-IS0*NCXYZ
    IZ0 = IC/NCXY
    IY0 = (IC-IZ0*NCXY)/NCX
    IZ0 = IZ0 + 1
    IY0 = IY0 + 1
    IX0 = IX0 + 1
    IC  = IB0 + 1
    STARTA =  IA1th0 ! IA1th(CFROM)
    NACC0 = NAC(IC)
end if
call syncthreads()
if(NACC0 .LE. 0) return
if(IT .LE. mp_NNC) then
    OUT(IT)= 0
    IZ(IT) = IZ0+mp_NIZ(IT)
    IY(IT) = IY0+mp_NIY(IT)
    IX(IT) = IX0+mp_NIX(IT)
    I_mvl(IT)    = 0
    CXYZ(1:3,IT) = 0.0d0
    If(PDX .AND. IT.GT.1) Then
        IF( IX(IT).GT.NCX )THEN
            IX(IT) = 1
            CXYZ(1,IT) = CXYZ(1,IT) + cra011
            CXYZ(2,IT) = CXYZ(2,IT) + cra021 
            CXYZ(3,IT) = CXYZ(3,IT) + cra031                 
            I_mvl(IT)    = ior( I_mvl(IT) , 1)
        ELSE IF (IX(IT).LT.1) THEN
            IX(IT) = NCX
            CXYZ(1,IT) = CXYZ(1,IT) - cra011
            CXYZ(2,IT) = CXYZ(2,IT) - cra021 
            CXYZ(3,IT) = CXYZ(3,IT) - cra031
            I_mvl(IT)    = ior( I_mvl(IT) , 2)
    End If
    If(PDY .AND. IT.GT.1) Then
        IF( IY(IT).GT.NCY )THEN
            IY(IT) = 1
            CXYZ(1,IT) = CXYZ(1,IT) + cra012
            CXYZ(2,IT) = CXYZ(2,IT) + cra022 
            CXYZ(3,IT) = CXYZ(3,IT) + cra032
            I_mvl(IT)    = ior( I_mvl(IT) , 4)
        ELSE IF (IY(IT).LT.1) THEN
            IY(IT) = NCY
            CXYZ(1,IT) = CXYZ(1,IT) - cra012
            CXYZ(2,IT) = CXYZ(2,IT) - cra022 
            CXYZ(3,IT) = CXYZ(3,IT) - cra032
            I_mvl(IT)    = ior( I_mvl(IT) , 8)
    End If
    If(PDZ .AND. IT.GT.1) Then
        IF( IZ(IT).GT.NCZ )THEN
            IZ(IT) = 1
            CXYZ(1,IT) = CXYZ(1,IT) + cra013
            CXYZ(2,IT) = CXYZ(2,IT) + cra023 
            CXYZ(3,IT) = CXYZ(3,IT) + cra033
            I_mvl(IT)    = ior( I_mvl(IT) , 16)
        ELSE IF (IZ(IT).LT.1) THEN
            IZ(IT) = NCZ
            CXYZ(1,IT) = CXYZ(1,IT) - cra013
            CXYZ(2,IT) = CXYZ(2,IT) - cra023 
            CXYZ(3,IT) = CXYZ(3,IT) - cra033
            I_mvl(IT)    = ior( I_mvl(IT) , 32)
    End If
    IF( IX(IT) .GT. NCX .OR. IX(IT) .LT. 1) OUT(IT) = 1
    IF( IY(IT) .GT. NCY .OR. IY(IT) .LT. 1) OUT(IT) = 1
    IF( IZ(IT) .GT. NCZ .OR. IZ(IT) .LT. 1) OUT(IT) = 1
    IF(OUT(IT) .EQ. 0) then
        CID(IT) = NCXY*(IZ(IT)-1)+NCX*(IY(IT)-1)+IX(IT)+IS0*NCXYZ
        CID(IT) = 0
    END IF
call syncthreads() 
IA = (IT-1) + IA1th(IC) + IP0
IA0 = IA - STARTA + 1
IA00 = IA - IA1th(IC)+1
if(IA00.LE.NACC0) then
    ITY = ITYP(IA)
    NN = 0

NS = (NACC-1)/NB+1

IAC = IA1th(CID(K))

DO J=1, NS, 1
    FROM = min((J-1)*NB+IAC,IACE)
    TO = min(FROM+NB-1, IACE)
        SPOS(1:3,IT) = XP(1:3, IT+FROM-1) + CXYZ(1:3,K)           
        JTY(IT) = ITYP(IT+FROM-1)
    end if
    call syncthreads()

    IF(IA00.LE.NACC0) then
        DO I=FROM, TO
            JA = I-FROM+1
            SEP(1:3) = POS(1:3) - SPOS(1:3,JA) 

            if( SEP(1)*SEP(1)+SEP(2)*SEP(2)+SEP(3)*SEP(3) .LE. RC2(ITY,JTY(JA)) ) then
                if(I.NE.IA) then
                    if(NN<mxKVOIS) then

                        NN  = NN + 1
                        INDI(NN,IA0) = I
                        mvl(NN,IA0)  = I_mvl(K)
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        END DO
    END IF
    call syncthreads()
DO K=2, mp_NNC
    IF(OUT(K)) cycle

    NACC = NAC(CID(K))

    NS = min((NACC-1)/NB+1, NACC)

    IAC = IA1th(CID(K))

    IACE = IAC + NACC -1
    call syncthreads()

    DO J=1, NS
        FROM = min((J-1)*NB+IAC,IACE)
        TO = min(FROM+NB-1, IACE)
            SPOS(1:3,IT) = XP(1:3, IT+FROM-1) + CXYZ(1:3,K) 
            JTY(IT) = ITYP(IT+FROM-1)
        call syncthreads()

        IF(IA00.LE.NACC0) then
            DO I=FROM, TO
                JA = I-FROM+1
                SEP(1:3) = POS(1:3) - SPOS(1:3,JA) 

                if( SEP(1)*SEP(1)+SEP(2)*SEP(2)+SEP(3)*SEP(3) .LE. RC2(ITY,JTY(JA)) ) then
                    if(NN<mxKVOIS) then

                        NN  = NN + 1
                        INDI(NN, IA0) = I
                        mvl(NN, IA0)  = I_mvl(K)
                    end if
                end if
            END DO
        END IF
        call syncthreads()
    END DO 

IF(IA00 .LE. NACC0) then
    KVOIS(IA0) = NN


Of all the lines in your kernel that you’ve shown, which could be writing 16 bytes (or more) to shared memory in a single write?

So of all your shared variables:

!variables share by all thread
integer,shared::NB, IC, IS0, STARTA, NCXY, NCXYZ,IX0, IY0, IZ0,IC0, NACC0
integer,shared::NS,NACC, IAC, IACE, FROM, TO
integer, shared, dimension(mp_NNC)::CID, IX,IY, IZ, OUT

integer(1), shared, dimension(mp_NNC)::I_mvl
real(KINDSF), shared, dimension(3,mp_NNC)::CXYZ 
real(KINDSF), shared, dimension(3,mp_BLOCKSIZE)::SPOS
real(KINDSF), shared::RC2(mp_MXGROUP,mp_MXGROUP)
integer, shared, dimension(mp_BLOCKSIZE)::JTY

find all the locations in your kernel where a larger-than-8 byte write could be occurring.

Of those places, is there a possibility that any are misaligned? A misaligned write of 16 bytes could be occurring if the compiler is attempting to write 2 consecutive 8 byte quantities to shared memory in a single write operation, but the address is an “odd” address. For example I don’t know what your KINDSF and KINDDF types are, but your CXYZ and SPOS variables are KINDSF. Are you ever writing a KINDDF type to them? Or are you ever writing multiple items? For example here:

SPOS(1:3,IT) = XP(1:3, IT+FROM-1) + CXYZ(1:3,K)

Basically you are looking for the possibility of a misaligned write of 16 bytes or more. Don’t assume it is a bug in your fortran code. It might be a compiler bug, that is turned up by doing a “large” write to shared memory.

Which version of PGI CUDA Fortran are you using?

Thank you for your reply!
the program can also not work, when I change all “KINDSF” to “KINDDF” and/or change “integer(1)” to “integer”
In my codes, KINDSF = 4 and KINDDF = 8. The most common type of floating-point number in my codes is the type double (KIND = KINDDF (8))
the version of PGI CUDA Fortran is:
cuda7.5, pgi: /opt/pgi/linux86-64/15.10
the detailed compiler options are:
pgfortran = -fast -tp sandybridge-64 -Mvect=sse,simd -Minline -Mconcur -Minform=warn -Minfo=accel,inline,intensity,loop,mp,opt,par,vect -Mcuda=fastmath,cuda7.5,cc35,rdc,fermi