Bug for __pipeline_memcpy_async

it seems to me that there is a bug or that I made a mistake in my use of __pipeline memcpy async, there is no implementation online for the moment so it is complicated to implement


#include <stdio.h>
#include <cuda_pipeline.h>

__global__ void test_pipe_intr(float* input) {
    __shared__ float smem[32];
    __shared__ int idx4;
    idx4 = threadIdx.x * 4;
    // for tread 0 get it imput[0 - 4], for tread 1 get it imput[4 - 8]
    __pipeline_memcpy_async(smem, input + idx4, 16);
    printf("% i = %f \n", threadIdx.x, smem[0]);

int main() {
    float* h_C = (float*)malloc(32000*sizeof(float));
    float* d_C;
    // fill a array from 0 to 32000
    for (int i = 0; i < 32000; i++) {
        h_C[i] = i;
    cudaMalloc(&d_C, 32000*sizeof(float));
    cudaMemcpy(d_C, h_C, 32000*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    test_pipe_intr<<<1, 32>>>(d_C);
venus@V:~/Pipeline$ compute-sanitizer ./a.out
 0 = 96.000000 
 1 = 96.000000 
 2 = 96.000000 
 3 = 96.000000 
 4 = 96.000000 
 5 = 96.000000 
 6 = 96.000000 
 7 = 96.000000 
 8 = 96.000000 
 9 = 96.000000 
 10 = 96.000000 
 11 = 96.000000 
 12 = 96.000000 
 13 = 96.000000 
 14 = 96.000000 
 15 = 96.000000 
 16 = 96.000000 
 17 = 96.000000 
 18 = 96.000000 
 19 = 96.000000 
 20 = 96.000000 
 21 = 96.000000 
 22 = 96.000000 
 23 = 96.000000 
 24 = 96.000000 
 25 = 96.000000 
 26 = 96.000000 
 27 = 96.000000 
 28 = 96.000000 
 29 = 96.000000 
 30 = 96.000000 
 31 = 96.000000 
========= ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors

I expected to have 0 = 0, 1 = 4, 2 = 8… as a result

Thank for hell

That won’t work. You might wish to understand how shared memory works. It is shared among all threads in the block. I’m pretty sure you want an ordinary local variable there:

int idx4 = threadIdx.x*4;

Furthermore, you haven’t allocated enough shared memory for 32 threads in the block * four float quantities per thread (16 bytes per thread). You have various indexing errors as well. It’s not clear you understand what __shared__ memory is or how it works.

__global__ void test_pipe_intr(float* input) {
    __shared__ float smem[32*4];
    int idx4 = threadIdx.x * 4;
    // for tread 0 get it imput[0 - 4], for tread 1 get it imput[4 - 8]
    __pipeline_memcpy_async(smem + idx4, input + idx4, 16);
    printf("% i = %f \n", threadIdx.x, smem[idx4]);
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