How to use the NVDLAs on the AGX Xavier?


I’m beginning to play around with the AGX Xavier. I’d like to start accelerating inferencing using the NVIDIA Deep Learning Accelerators. I understand that I must use TensorRT, and I understand how to use the TF-TRT library to convert TensorFlow models into TensorRT.

However, how can I explicitly control where the inference is computed (ie: CPU, GPU or NVDLA)? Are TensorRTs models always executed on NVDLAs?

Thank you.


You can choose the deployed hardware when converting the model into TensorRT engine.
The API looks like as following:

builder->setDefaultDeviceType( nvinfer1::DeviceType::kDLA );

The default device type is set to GPU rather than DLA.


I enrolled in the “Optimization and Deployment of TensorFlow models with TensorRT” course, how do I choose what hardware to use with the TF-TRT converter?

Thank you.


Unfortunately, TF-TRT doesn’t support DLA.
You will need to use standalone TensorRT for deploying a model on the DLA.
