if(condition) problem in CUDA

Hello, i have a question about my cuda programming.
For making accelerating the programming, I made a simple code to cuda programming.
However, i got a problem such as no numbers return except zero. I looked up several times but using a host with my source code worked very well. So i tried to find out the programming in CUDA source but i cannot find a problem.

For making a AoS(array on structure) in CUDA, I made a followin codes.

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdlib>

#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <device_launch_parameters.h>

#define maxNum 10
#define THREADS 4

typedef struct test {
	float x, y, z;

__device__ int dmax = -0.05;
__device__ int dmin = 0.066;
__device__ double dradius = 0.2;

double sqrts(double a) {
	return sqrt(a);
double dv_pow(double a, double b) {
	return (double)pow(a, b);

__global__ void function(points *devin, int *dev_count, int size) {
	int idx = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
	if (idx < size) {
		float xa = devin[idx].x;
		float ya = devin[idx].y;
		float za = devin[idx].z;
		double radius = sqrts((dv_pow((double)xa, 2.0) + dv_pow((double)ya, 2.0)));
		int start = 0;
		printf("phase[%d] = xyz(%f,%f,%f), radius(%lf)\n", idx, devin[idx].x, devin[idx].y, devin[idx].z, radius);
		if ((xa != 0 && ya != 0 && za != 0) && za < dmin || za > dmax || radius >= dradius) {

int main() {
	int limit = maxNum;
	points *alpha;
	alpha = new points[limit];
	for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
		0.006819	0.008099	-0.034720
		0.005938	0.007701	-0.035073
		0.005802	0.007906	-0.035066
		0.005667	0.008112	-0.035059
		0.005532	0.008317	-0.035052
		0.005396	0.008523	-0.035045
		0.005243	0.008714	-0.035046
		0.005096	0.008910	-0.035045
		0.004949	0.009106	-0.035044
		0.004801	0.009302	-0.035042
		alpha[i].x = 0.006819;
		alpha[i].y = 0.008099;
		alpha[i].z = -0.034720;

	points *dev_alpha;
	int counts=0, *dev_count;
	cudaError(cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_alpha, sizeof(points)*limit));
	cudaError(cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_count, sizeof(int)));

	cudaError(cudaMemcpy(dev_alpha, alpha, sizeof(points)*limit, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
	cudaError(cudaMemcpy(dev_count, &counts, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

	dim3 threads(THREADS);
	dim3 blocks((limit + THREADS - 1) / THREADS);

	function<<<blocks, threads>>>(dev_alpha, dev_count, limit);

	cudaError(cudaMemcpy(&counts, dev_count, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

	printf("result = %d\n", counts);

	delete[] alpha;

	return 0;

This is my main function.

please help me to find a problem.
Thank you!

ps. I will attach the result images.



please provide a complete code, not bits and pieces.

what are maxNum and THREADS ?

Your output variable is count:

__global__ void function(points *devin, int *count, int size) 

Your kernel code doesn’t write to count anywhere

so the result printout is always going to be zero:

int counts=0, *dev_count;
	cudaError(cudaMemcpy(dev_count, &counts, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
        function<<<blocks, threads>>>(dev_alpha, dev_count, limit);

	cudaError(cudaMemcpy(&counts, dev_count, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

	printf("result = %d\n", counts);

If you add this line at the end of your kernel:

if ((xa != 0 && ya != 0 && za != 0) && za < dmin || za > dmax || radius >= dradius) {
                atomicAdd(count, start); // add this line

You may get some non-zero result.

I am so sorry about not giving a complete code.
I revised codes to completed one.

You’ve changed the code. Anyway my previous answer shows what the problem is, although you’ve changed variable names. (change count in my answer to dev_count to match your new code)

Ops, I made a different one. But thank you for giving me advice!
I solved problem with your help!
Thank you!^^