imageNet issue

Hello, I’m pretty new here so thank you for your help and patience.

I have been trying to run imageNet from the Jetson-Inference Library.

I am using a Jetson Orin Nano Developer kit. I downloaded Jetpack 6.1 to a micro-SD card then updated the image. I followed the Build procedure and tried to run imagenet but get the red error below.

[TRT]    TensorRT 10.3 does not support legacy caffe models
[TRT]    device GPU, failed to load networks/Googlenet/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel
[TRT]    failed to load networks/Googlenet/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel
[TRT]    imageNet -- failed to initialize.
imagenet:  failed to initialize imageNet

I’m not sure why this is the case, I have tried multiple SD cards and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I’m trying to replicate this issue and I must be doing something different with the setup process.

Is TensorRT unsopported with Jetpack 6.1 or is this error for some other reason?

Thank you for your help.


Since we remove caffemodel support in TensorRT 10, please setup your device with JetPack 6.0 GA for jetson-inference.

If JetPack 6.1 is preferred, please check our Jetson AI Lab instead:


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Thank you for these insights. As the imagenet image classification is somewhat of a historically foundational model, is there a way to make it work with 6.1? I am also getting the error above when following the tutorial.
Is there a way to use the older version of TensorRT or would it just be easier to flash a JetPack 6.0 GA microsd and proceed?

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