In the case of Yolov3-spp, how do I specify the model parameters?


In the case of Yolov3-spp, how do I specify the model parameters?
Only Yolov3 and tiny Yolov3 are mentioned in the manual.

Thank you.


Sorry that Yolov3-spp is not officially supported by the Deepstream.

But suppose it has a similar configure setting as the YOLOv3 model.
To confirm this, you can check the details from the .cfg file directly.


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When I run Yolov3, I get the following error.

How can I fix it?

NvDsInferStatus Yolo::buildYoloNetwork(std::vector&, nvinfer1::InetworkDefinition&): Assertion ‘0’ failed.

Thank you.

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue any more.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.


Do you have a more detailed log?
The source of buildYoloNetwork can be found in the below file:


Could you help to check which assertion causes the error first?