Install torch for Jetpack version 4.1.1


I have jetson xavier AGX with jetpack version 4.1.1 and i am looking the procedure and siutable torch version to install and run yolov5


Hi @a.elhanashi, if you have JetPack 4.1.1, that was a very early Developer Preview release for Jetson AGX Xavier, and you should update it to a more recent version of JetPack. JetPack 4.1.1 predates the time when we released pre-built PyTorch wheels for JetPack, and I’m not sure what issues you may encounter while building PyTorch from source on it.

you mean that i can install torch and pytorch on jetpack 4.1.1?

I haven’t tried building PyTorch on a version of JetPack that old and recommend updating your version of JetPack.

how can i update jetpack?

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