Installation problem on Ubuntu

Hello. I’m trying to install the CUDA Toolkit v5.5 on Ubuntu 13.04. I downloaded and installed the Ubuntu 12.10 deb package for adding the repositories. I then try to install cuda using sudo apt-get install cuda, but I get Connection failed errors. For whoever might be interested, [url][/url] is the full log. The links apt-get is unable to fetch are accessible using the browser and I can ping the IP address without any problems too.

Is this problem somehow connected to the fact I’m using Ubuntu 13.04 although the repository is for 12.10? I installed the CUDA toolkit on a Ubuntu 12.04 system one week ago without any problems.

I have the same problem.
I’m trying to solve, but it’s hard.
I found a guide here for Ubuntu 13 04.
is the third time that lightdm off, the shell will disappear.
after this I could not open more gnome.
however, as I can finish the guide will let you know.
is not an answer but, I hope, will be of assistance.

well I installed the drivers Cuda, the guide is correct.
one important thing is not to install the driver cuda, you have driver from NVIDIA-Linux etc…run.
install only cuda toolkit and samples.
Keep selected setting gcc 4.4 on

sudo update-alternatives --config gcc

#choose 4.4.x i think you must to type 1 on your keybord and than press enter.
not forget, you must going in a tty consol and disable light dm with sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm stop;
before reboot and run cuda installation.
try this and let we know…
bie Daniele

My first guess would be some sort of firewall issue. Are you able to wget these files? Can you ping the host successfully?

Using a 12.10 repository on a 13.04 machine should not cause this.

but if you download from the web site?
cause i can get from the host with wget…


large file…

are you sure to have enough space?
cause is like 700 mb large…
–purge nvidia driver before do anything