Hi Nfeng:
One more thing, I print my plugin layer top blob data below (every batch). I don’t know what kind of op could be done after loaded very batch.
Scale1Layer debug1: 0.410006, 0.395001, 0.455328, 0.449018
Scale1Layer debug2: 0.483588, 0.859372, 0.667961, 0.496670
Scale1Layer debug3: 0.508751, 0.347732, 0.376068, 0.365252
reshape1 mCopySize is ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 401408
ReshapeLayer1 debug1: 0.410006, 0.395001, 0.455328, 0.449018
ReshapeLayer1 debug2: 0.483588, 0.859372, 0.667961, 0.496670
ReshapeLayer1 debug3: 0.508751, 0.347732, 0.376068, 0.365252
reshape2 mCopySize is ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 12544
ReshapeLayer2 debug1: 0.938205, 0.942541, 0.721910, 0.752248
ReshapeLayer2 debug2: 1.380868, 1.544697, 1.140635, 1.526752
ReshapeLayer2 debug3: 1.334607, 1.099593, 1.011290, 1.269011
reshape2 mCopySize is ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 12544
ReshapeLayer2 debug1: 0.362215, 0.370243, 0.395881, 0.379113
ReshapeLayer2 debug2: 0.360657, 0.391315, 0.375102, 0.399680
ReshapeLayer2 debug3: 0.356505, 0.393370, 0.343840, 0.357661
TileLayer debug1: 0.999999, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000
TileLayer debug2: 1.000000, 0.999999, 0.999999, 1.000000
TileLayer debug3: 0.999999, 0.999994, 0.999931, 0.999698
+++++++++++++++++++++++ scale 2 layer is ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Scale2Layer debug1: 0.410006, 0.395001, 0.455328, 0.449018
Scale2Layer debug2: 0.483588, 0.859371, 0.667961, 0.496669
Scale2Layer debug3: 0.508750, 0.347730, 0.376042, 0.365142
Tensor attention1_max_relu1 is uniformly zero; network calibration failed.
INT8_CALIB: cudnnBuilder2.cpp:996: nvinfer1::cudnn::Engine* nvinfer1::builder::buildEngine(nvinfer1::CudaEngineBuildConfig&, const nvinfer1::cudnn::HardwareContext&, const nvinfer1::Network&): Assertion `it != tensorScales.end()' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
Scale/reshape/Tile layer are all behind “attention1_max_relu1”.