Introducing The Most Affordable Generative AI Supercomputer

Generative AI landscape is rapidly evolving, with new Large Language Models (LLMs), Visual Language Models (VLMs), and Vision Language Action (VLA) models emerging daily. To support these emerging new advancements in Generative AI models and workloads, NVIDIA is refreshing the NVIDIA Orin Nano Developer Kit through a software update with an unprecedented boost in performance of up to 1.7x at an affordable new price point of $249. In recognition of the remarkable boost in performance and the affordable new price point, the Jetson Orin Nano developer kit is being renamed as the NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano Super Developer Kit. Visit the blog to learn more about the NVIDIA Jetson Orin Super Developer Kit.

The existing Jetson Nano Orin Developer Kit can be upgraded to Jetson Orin Nano Super Developer Kit with this software update.

Visit the JetPack SDK page to download the latest SD card image that supports the performance boost or upgrade the image on your NVIDIA Jetson Orin™ Nano Developer Kit with SDK Manager.

Note 1: (Applicable only if installing using an SD Card image)
If your Jetson Orin Developer Kit was previously running JetPack 6.0 or JetPack 6.1, execute the following command after the final login and reboot your device. This ensures that the [MAXN] performance mode becomes available on your system.

sudo rm -rf /etc/nvpmodel.conf

Note 2: The performance boost mode [MAXN mode] for NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano Modules and NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX Modules will be available with JetPack 6.1.1 in Jan '25.

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