'invalid device ordinal' (cudaErrorInvalidDevice)

I get cudaErrorInvalidDevice when I try to open an IPC memory handle, but I’m not sure why.

I’m using shared GPU memory between different processes. In one process I do:

cudaIpcGetMemHandle(&my_ipcmemhandle, (void *)buf_gpu);

And in the other process I do:

handle_cuda_error(cudaIpcOpenMemHandle((void **)buf_gpu, my_ipcmemhandle, cudaIpcMemLazyEnablePeerAccess));

The device ID set before getting the IPC handle is the same as the device ID set before opening the IPC handle, and the device ID is valid. I use (host) shared memory to pass the IPC handle and device ID between the two processes. Furthermore, handle_cuda_error calls cudaGetLastError() so that I shouldn’t receive errors from previous calls.

When I treat the cuIpcMemHandle instance as a char array[64] and print to screen, I get the same result in both processes.

Am I missing something? Any explanation of the meaning of this error for this specific call (cudaIpcOpenMemHandle(…)) would be very useful.


your device, and os?

4x GTX980 and CentOS 6.6

i presume you have some method of synchronization between the 2 processes, such that the latter waits for the former, before reading the applicable data from shared memory

as a way of testing, have you tried reversing the primary/ secondary roles?
also, what does calling cudaGetDeviceCount() from the secondary process return?

Thanks, yes there is proper synchronization and cudaGetDeviceCount() returned a sufficient number of devices, four.

It turns out that the call to open the IPC handle was still within the same process as where it was created, just in a different thread. In this case a call to cudaIpcOpenMemHandle returns cudaErrorInvalidDevice. This was confirmed with this example:

#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <cuda_runtime.h>

void * run_method(void *arg);
static void handle_cuda_error(const char *pfx, cudaError_t err);
static void print_cuda_ipc_mem_handle(cudaIpcMemHandle_t *ipc_mem_handle);

typedef struct shared_context {
	int device_id;
	cudaIpcMemHandle_t cuipcmemhandle;
	int *shared_gpu;
} shared_context_t;

int shmid;
int verbose = 0;
int use_ipc = 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int *ptr_local_num;
	int *ptr_local_num_gpu;
	int local_device_id;
	int rv;
	char pfx[256];
	const int ARRAY_SIZE = 1024*1024*512;
	shared_context_t shctx;
	pthread_t pthread;
	// check verbose flag in arguments list
	switch (argc) {
		case 3: {
			if (strcmp("ipc",argv[2]) == 0) {
				use_ipc = 1;
				fprintf(stdout,"Using IPC\n");
			// no break
		case 2: {
			if (strcmp("v",argv[1]) == 0) {
				verbose = 1;
				fprintf(stdout,"Verbose output selected\n");
	// set the device
	shctx.device_id = 0;
	snprintf(pfx,256,"%s:%s(%4d):",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); handle_cuda_error(pfx,cudaSetDevice(shctx.device_id));
	snprintf(pfx,256,"%s:%s(%4d):",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); handle_cuda_error(pfx,cudaGetDevice(&local_device_id));
	fprintf(stdout,"main: local_device_id = %d\n",local_device_id);
	// cuda-allocate host memory in parent process
	snprintf(pfx,256,"%s:%s(%4d):",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); handle_cuda_error(pfx,cudaMallocHost(&ptr_local_num,sizeof(int)*ARRAY_SIZE));
	// set the value in host memory
	*ptr_local_num = 42;
	*(ptr_local_num + ARRAY_SIZE - 1) = 42;
	fprintf(stdout,"main: local_num = %d .. %d\n",*ptr_local_num,*(ptr_local_num + ARRAY_SIZE - 1));
	// allocate device memory in parent process
	snprintf(pfx,256,"%s:%s(%4d):",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); handle_cuda_error(pfx,cudaMalloc(&ptr_local_num_gpu,sizeof(int)*ARRAY_SIZE));
	// copy set value in host memory to device memory
	snprintf(pfx,256,"%s:%s(%4d):",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); handle_cuda_error(pfx,cudaMemcpy(ptr_local_num_gpu,ptr_local_num,sizeof(int)*ARRAY_SIZE,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
	if (use_ipc) {
		// get cuda-ipc memory handle
		snprintf(pfx,256,"%s:%s(%4d):",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); handle_cuda_error(pfx,cudaIpcGetMemHandle(&shctx.cuipcmemhandle,ptr_local_num_gpu));
	} else {
		shctx.shared_gpu = ptr_local_num_gpu;
	// launch pthread
	rv = pthread_create(&pthread, NULL, run_method, &shctx);
	if (rv != 0) {		
		char error_strings[4][200] = { "insufficient resources to create another thread, or a system-imposed limit on the number of threads was encountered",
										"invalid settings in attr",
										"no permission to set the scheduling policy and parameters specified in attr",
										"unknown" };
		char *errstr;
		switch(rv) {
			case EAGAIN:
				errstr = error_strings[0];
			case EINVAL:
				errstr = error_strings[1];
			case EPERM:
				errstr = error_strings[2];
				errstr = error_strings[3];
		fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, pthread_create returned %d [%s]\n",rv,errstr);
	// and wait for pthread to finish
	rv = pthread_join(pthread, NULL);
	if (rv != 0) {		
		char error_strings[4][200] = { "a deadlock was detected, or thread specifies the calling thread",
										"thread is not a joinable thread OR another thread is already waiting to join with this thread",
										"no thread with the ID thread could be found",
										"unknown" };
		char *errstr;
		switch(rv) {
			case EDEADLK:
				errstr = error_strings[0];
			case EINVAL:
				errstr = error_strings[1];
			case ESRCH:
				errstr = error_strings[2];
				errstr = error_strings[3];
		fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, pthread_create returned %d [%s]\n",rv,errstr);
	fprintf(stdout,"main: pthread is done\n");
	// ... and then it should be safe to free device memory
	snprintf(pfx,256,"%s:%s(%4d):",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); handle_cuda_error(pfx,cudaFree((void *)ptr_local_num_gpu));
	return 0;

void *run_method(void *arg) {
	int *ptr_local_num;
	int *ptr_local_num_gpu;
	int local_device_id;
	char pfx[256];
	const int ARRAY_SIZE = 1024*1024*512;
	shared_context_t *shctx = (shared_context_t *)arg;
	// cuda-allocate host memory in pthread process for async copy
	snprintf(pfx,256,"%s:%s(%4d):",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); handle_cuda_error(pfx,cudaMallocHost(&ptr_local_num,sizeof(int)*ARRAY_SIZE));
	// set some known (incorrect) value
	*ptr_local_num = -1;
	*(ptr_local_num + ARRAY_SIZE - 1) = -1;
	fprintf(stdout,"pthread: local_num = %d .. %d (before copy)\n",*ptr_local_num,*(ptr_local_num + ARRAY_SIZE - 1));
	// get the device id, and set
	snprintf(pfx,256,"%s:%s(%4d):",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); handle_cuda_error(pfx,cudaSetDevice(shctx->device_id));
	snprintf(pfx,256,"%s:%s(%4d):",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); handle_cuda_error(pfx,cudaGetDevice(&local_device_id));
	fprintf(stdout,"pthread: local_device_id = %d\n",local_device_id);
	if (use_ipc) {
		// open the cuda-ipc memory handle
		snprintf(pfx,256,"%s:%s(%4d):",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); handle_cuda_error(pfx,cudaIpcOpenMemHandle((void **)&ptr_local_num_gpu,shctx->cuipcmemhandle, cudaIpcMemLazyEnablePeerAccess));
	} else {
		// use shared pointer directly
		ptr_local_num_gpu = shctx->shared_gpu;
	// now we can copy data back
	snprintf(pfx,256,"%s:%s(%4d):",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); handle_cuda_error(pfx,cudaMemcpy(ptr_local_num,ptr_local_num_gpu,sizeof(int)*ARRAY_SIZE,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
	if (use_ipc) {
		// close cuda-ipc memory handle
		snprintf(pfx,256,"%s:%s(%4d):",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); handle_cuda_error(pfx,cudaIpcCloseMemHandle((void *)ptr_local_num_gpu));
	} else {
		// just reset local pointer
		ptr_local_num_gpu = NULL;
	// value should match the one in the parent process
	fprintf(stdout,"pthread: local_num = %d .. %d (after copy)\n",*ptr_local_num,*(ptr_local_num + ARRAY_SIZE - 1));
	return NULL;

static void handle_cuda_error(const char *pfx, cudaError_t err) {
	// make sure the last error was popped
	if (err == cudaSuccess && !verbose) {
	fprintf(stderr,"%scudaError is %d [%s]\n",pfx,(int)err,cudaGetErrorString(err));

static void print_cuda_ipc_mem_handle(cudaIpcMemHandle_t *ipc_mem_handle) {
	const int N_BYTES = 64;
	const int MSG_LEN = N_BYTES*2+1;
	char msg[MSG_LEN];
	int ii;
	for (ii=0; ii<N_BYTES; ii++) {
			int offset = ii==0 ? 0 : 1;
			snprintf(msg+2*ii-offset,MSG_LEN-2*ii,"%02x",*((char *)ipc_mem_handle + ii));
	fprintf(stdout,"%s:%s(%3d): ipc_mem_handle = [%s]\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,msg);

Running the program and using IPC gives this error:

multithread.cu:run_method( 156):cudaError is 10 [invalid device ordinal]

“Maps memory exported from another process with cudaIpcGetMemHandle into the current device address space. For contexts on different devices cudaIpcOpenMemHandle can attempt to enable peer access between the devices”

“Contexts that may open cudaIpcMemHandles are restricted in the following way. cudaIpcMemHandles from each device in a given process may only be opened by one context per device per other process.”

are you sure that you can call cudaIpcOpenMemHandle from another thread in the same process?
it seems redundant too; threads of the same process generally share the address space, and you can thus simply pass a pointer, rather than a memory handle

perhaps the api shorts an error code: wrong context…

Yes, I believe that is what caused the error; I thought I was calling from a different process, but it was just from a different thread in the same process.

Indeed, much simpler.

I agree, the cudaErrorInvalidDevice is not very indicative of the cause in this case, but even if the documentation just listed it as one of the error codes that can be expected that would help a great deal. In any case, now it is documented here at least ;)