Is their any way to stop IPI calls in jestson Tx board?


I am working on jetson Tx2 board from past few days, it contains 6 cpu cores(cpu1 & cpu2 are denver cores). i am trying to shutdown one of a57 cpu core once the system boot-up. but in that time it automatically triggers IPI calls and it crash the board. is their any way to stop the IPI calls please suggest me.

Hi ashok515kumar,

Why do you need to shutdown one of a57 cpu core once the system boot-up? Any special use case?



I am running jailhouse on top of jetson Tx2 board, In jailhouse module sometimes i need to shutdown cpu and use this cpu for other purposes.


Which A57 core are you trying to shut down? Core 0 is A57 and must be on at all times; it cannot be turned off because that’s where interrupts are routed and, I think, it’s the core that has GPIO access.
Not sure if this will let you get where you need to go, but hope it helps.