Is there an API to change the current maximum GPU temperature limit?

I would like to ask if there is an API to change the current maximum temperature limit of the GPU. If the API exists, how is it used?

I tried to use nvmlDeviceSetTemperatureThreshold of the NVML API as follows:

int temperature = 80;
nvmlDeviceSetTemperatureThreshold(device, NVML_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD_ACOUSTIC_CURR, &temperature);

but it gives me unsupported.
However, using Asus GPU Tweak Tool I can change the maximum target temperature.
Is it possible to change the maximum target temperature using the APIs provided by NVIDIA? If so, which API should I use?
My GPU is an MX130.

Moved to NVML section for better tracking.

AIB OC utilities use NVAPI, not NVML.

Ok, so what function should I use of the NVAPI to change the maximum temperature?

Hello @Matteo06

Our team has informed that currently there is no support available in NVAPI SDK to change the current maximum temperature limit of the GPU.

Thank you.
Aamod Gokhale

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Any word on when support for changing GPU maximum temperature will be introduced in the NVAPI SDK?