I would like to ask if there is an API to change the current maximum temperature limit of the GPU. If the API exists, how is it used?
I tried to use nvmlDeviceSetTemperatureThreshold of the NVML API as follows:
int temperature = 80;
nvmlDeviceSetTemperatureThreshold(device, NVML_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD_ACOUSTIC_CURR, &temperature);
but it gives me unsupported.
However, using Asus GPU Tweak Tool I can change the maximum target temperature.
Is it possible to change the maximum target temperature using the APIs provided by NVIDIA? If so, which API should I use?
My GPU is an MX130.
Moved to NVML section for better tracking.
AIB OC utilities use NVAPI, not NVML.
Ok, so what function should I use of the NVAPI to change the maximum temperature?
Hello @Matteo06
Our team has informed that currently there is no support available in NVAPI SDK to change the current maximum temperature limit of the GPU.
Thank you.
Aamod Gokhale
Any word on when support for changing GPU maximum temperature will be introduced in the NVAPI SDK?