Hi n_lona,
I don’t see you question here, but if you are asking about Isaac Sim running on multiple GPU, we dont have that feature yet.
Hi n_lona,
I don’t see you question here, but if you are asking about Isaac Sim running on multiple GPU, we dont have that feature yet.
Suppose would be better to use a K10 or both gtx 1660ti & 1050ti?
Well, in general the more powerful the GPU, the better performance you get, but we have not benchmarked the Isaac Sim with all the GPUs.
I recently tried to run carter sim RGB and Yolo sample but after the 20 epochs the app crashes. Is there any dnn/rnn/cnn benchmark for Linux and portable? Is it possible to test mlperf and see consumer cards ml performance via mlperf eg. or something like nvidia partner did here 2 x RTX2070 Super with NVLINK TensorFlow Performance Comparison
Hi n_lona,
What did crashed the app on the sdk side or the Sim?
Thanks for benchmark reference, unfortunately we dont have such benchmark on the sim side yet, there might some benchmarks on the SDK side for the dl, you can ask on the SDK forum.
Thank you,