Issue with image classification tutorial and testing with deepstream-app

Firstly, please run below example and make sure it can run.

Try to config with your rtsp file instead of mp4 file. And make sure it can run.

If above works, please check again your deepstream config along with the inference-config file.
In your inference config file, please modify
infer-dims=3;224;224 to infer-dims=3;224;224;0
net-scale-factor=1 to net-scale-factor=1.0

More, actually there are two ways running a classification model with deepstream.

  1. Run as primary gie
  2. Run as secondary gie

If set as primary gie,
please set process-mode=1 in the inference config file.

If set as secondary gie,
please set process-mode=2 in the inference config file.