I recently got into CUDA and am currently working on a parallel implementation of a basic segmented prime-sieving algorithm. My current approach is to round the input up to a multiple of 2^32, find all primes upto 2^32 with a serial algorithm, and use those results to sieve the remaining segments (each segment covers 2^32 digits).
As a basic test, I decided to split each segment into smaller sub-segments and work on them in parallel.
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
typedef unsigned __int64 integer;
const size_t size = sizeof(integer);
const integer pow2_32 = 4294967296;
const int threads = 512;
//Utility function to calculate postive integer-powers
integer power(integer val, integer exp)
integer temp = val;
for (integer i = 1; i < exp; i++) temp *= val;
return temp;
//Utility function to approximate no. of primes between 1->n as n/ln(n)
integer trimSize(integer n)
long double e = 2.7183;
integer exp = 1;
while (pow(e, exp) < n)
return n / (exp - 2);
///////////////////////////KERNEL START///////////////////////////
__device__ void SievePrime(bool *mark, integer p, integer min, integer minb, integer max)
integer j;
for (j = minb;j <= max;j += (p << 1))
mark[(j - min) >> 1] = true;
__global__ void SieveBlock(integer *P, bool *mark, integer completed)
integer id = threadIdx.x, i, j, minb;
integer segsize = pow2_32 / threads;
integer min = (completed * pow2_32) + (id * segsize) + 1;
integer max = min + segsize - 2;
//printf("Kernel %3d: [%11llu,%11llu]\n", id + completed, min, max);
for (i = 0;P[i] * P[i] <= max;i++)
minb = (min / P[i]) * (P[i]) + P[i];
if (~minb & 1) minb += P[i];
for (j = minb;j <= max;j += (P[i] << 1))
mark[(j - min + 1) >> 1] = true;
//printf("Kernel %3llu stopped at %llu\n", id + completed, j - (P[i] << 2));
/*for (j = max; j >= min; j -= 2)
if (!mark[(j - min + 1) >> 1])
printf("Kernel %llu: %llu [Max: %llu] [Skipped %llu]\n", id + completed, j, max,(max-j)>>1);
////////////////////////////KERNEL END////////////////////////////
//Driver function
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
//Range: Data-type dependent
integer n;
printf("Enter n: ");
scanf("%llu", &n);
integer m = sqrt(n);
integer marklen = n >> 1;
bool smallsieve = false; //Use serial sieve for n<2^32
if (n <= pow2_32)
smallsieve = true;
else if (n % pow2_32 > 0) //If n>2^32 then round n to nearest multiple of 2^32
printf("Rounded %llu to ", n);
n = ((n / pow2_32) + 1) * pow2_32;
printf("%llu\n\n", n);
m = 65536; //sqrt(pow2_32)
marklen = pow2_32 >> 1;
integer limit = (smallsieve) ? n : pow2_32;
integer plen = trimSize(pow2_32);
if (~n & 1) n--;
if (~m & 1) m--;
//Boolean array initialized to false
bool *mark = (bool *)calloc(marklen + 1, sizeof(bool)); //Represents [2,3,5,7,9,11,...,sqrt(n)]
//Array to store primes b/w [2,m]
integer *P = (integer *)calloc(plen + 1, (size_t)size);
if (mark == NULL || P == NULL) { printf("Memory Allocation Failed!\n"); exit(1); }
integer i, j, k, offset;
//Log execution time
double CPU_TIME = 0.0;
float GPU_TIME = 0.0;
float temp_t;
//Setup-Phase: Calculate all primes in the range [3,m]
START_TIME = clock();
for (i = 5, k = 1, offset = 2; i < m; i += offset, offset = 6 - offset) //i->[3,5,7,9...,sqrt(n)] | i corresponds to mark[(i-3)/2]
if (!mark[i >> 1])
if (i*i <= limit)
for (j = i * i; j <= limit; j += (i << 1)) //j->[i^2,n] | increments by 2*i
mark[j >> 1] = 1;
P[k++] = i;
END_TIME = clock();
printf("Stopped primary sieve at prime %llu\n", P[k - 1]);
for (;i <= limit;i += offset, offset = 6 - offset)
if(!mark[i >> 1])
P[k++] = i;
P[0] = 3;
plen = k;
printf("Last prime: %llu @ index [%llu]\n\n", P[plen - 1], plen - 1);
if (smallsieve) goto end;
integer chunksize = pow2_32 >> 1; //Elements per chunk of 2^32 digits
integer chunkcount = (n - pow2_32 - 1) / chunksize; //No. of chunks
integer completed = 1;
printf("%llu chunks for [%llu->%llu]\n", chunkcount, pow2_32 - 1, n);
integer *d_P;
bool *d_mark;
//CUDA Malloc
cudaMalloc(&d_P, (plen + 1) * (size));
cudaMalloc(&d_mark, chunksize + 1);
//Calculate dimensions
dim3 TPB(threads);
cudaEvent_t start, stop;
cudaMemcpy(d_P, P, plen * size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
while (completed <= chunkcount)
mark = (bool *)calloc(chunksize + 1, sizeof(bool));
cudaMemcpy(d_mark, mark, chunksize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); //Copy current block to device
SieveBlock<<<1, TPB >>> (d_P, d_mark, completed); //Execute sieving kernel
cudaEventElapsedTime(&temp_t, start, stop);
GPU_TIME += temp_t;
cudaMemcpy(mark, d_mark, marklen + 1, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); //Write back results to host
printf("\n Last prime in block %llu: ", completed);
integer start = (completed * pow2_32) + 1;
for (i = start + pow2_32 - 2;i >= start;i -= 2)
if (!mark[(i-start+1)>>1])
printf("%llu\n\n", i);
GPU_TIME /= 1000;
end:printf("\nSETUP-PHASE CPU Time: %0.3f seconds\n", CPU_TIME);
printf("COMPUTE-PHASE GPU Time: %0.3f seconds\n", GPU_TIME);
//printf("FILE_WRITE CPU Time: %0.3f seconds\n", F_CPU_TIME);
return 0;
However, for reasons beyond my understanding, the inner-loop is causing a myriad of complications.
When using the above snippet, the kernel fails to execute in its entirety. If I replace the assignment statement with printf(), then the inner-loop executes normally, while the outer-loop only executes once. If I comment out the contents of the inner-loop altogether, then the outer-loop executes normally. If I change the for-loops bounds to something like [1->100] then the inner-loop executes normally while the outer-loop executes only once.
As a newbie, I’m at my wits end and can’t figure out what on Earth I’m doing wrong. Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated.
OS: Windows 10
IDE: VS2017
GPU: GTX 1070 Ti
I don’t know if this additional info will help, but prior to working on this, I was working on a parallel implementation of a prime-sieve with odd digits mapped bit-wise to an array. The logic was sound on paper, but I ran into precisely the same nested-loop issue that I did here.