I’m having some issues with the encoding example for the multi-media API (01_video_encode).
When encoding with lossless settings I use the following pipeline:
sudo ./video_encode file.rgb 1440 1080 H264 file.h264 -tt 0 --max-perf --elossless -fps 60 1
the output file, I then encode with ffmpeg for viewing with:
ffmpeg -i file.h264 -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 0 -r 60 out.mkv
The output file (out.mkv) has the correct framerate, but had only half of the frames from the original file. Original file had 420 frames, but ffmpeg shows only 210 frames.
If I try a lossy encoding method:
sudo ./video_encode file.rgb 1440 1080 H264 file.h264 -tt 0 --max-perf -l 50 -fps 60 1
The output file from ffmpeg is now twice the length of the orignal one (it went from an 8s file to a 16s file).
Am I doing something wrong with the multimeda API or with ffmpeg?