3 months ago, I found that Opencv does not work on JetPack 4.6 when it is compiled with Pyinstaller. I then contacted your support team (Cannot use opencv on Xavier NX). You gave me a temporary solution to have it work, and said “This issue comes from the different expected versions from pyinstaller and JetPack. In the future release, we do have a plan to upgrade the OpenCV version. After the upgrading, pyinstaller should work as default without downgrading.” This issue still bother me and give me problems now. May I check with you if this problem has resolved or not? Can I download the latest version of JetPack for normal use without such issue?
For Jetpack 4 releases, OpenCV version is 4.1.1 and please apply the quick fix.
Hi, DaneLLL:
But according to my trials done previously in Dec 21 and Jan 22, Opencv 4.1.1 does not work with Jetpack 4.6. It can work with Jetpack 4.5. If Jetpack 4.6 still does not support Opencv 4.1.1, where can we download and install Jetpack 4.5?
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