Jetson containers are now available on NGC:
Jetpack: NVIDIA L4T JetPack | NVIDIA NGC
CUDA: (since CUDA versions did not change with the production release. The container with tag starting with “12.2.12” can be used)
Tensorrt: NVIDIA L4T TensorRT | NVIDIA NGC (since Tensorrt versions did not change with the production release. The container with tag starting with “8.6,2” can be used)
Tensorflow: TensorFlow | NVIDIA NGC (use tag starting with “24,04”)
PyTorch: PyTorch | NVIDIA NGC (use tag starting with “24,04”)
Cross Compilation Container: JetPack Cross Compilation container | NVIDIA NGC
Jetson Linux Flash Container: Jetson Linux Flash container | NVIDIA NGC
Announcement: There will be no more releases of L4T base container since as we evolved our containers, L4t base container was mostly just an Ubuntu root file system. So going forward, please use CUDA or Tensorrt container as base containers.