JetPack 6.1 Not Loading

I flashed JetPack 6.1, and 6.0 to SD Card and it is not loading with the attached error. I am not sure if upgrading the bootloader is the solution.

This initially worked when I used this image


I went through this issue a few weeks ago with my new Jetson Orin Nano, you definitely need to install an older version of Jetpack, upgrade the firmware, and then you will be able to install JetPack 6.1.

Here is the official manual for doing this, follow all the steps for Firmware < 36.0:
🚅 Initial Setup Guide - Jetson Orin Nano - NVIDIA Jetson AI Lab (
Also, here is a good video tutorial for the same process:
JetPack 6 Orin Nano Upgrade Using SD Card (

I hope it helps!

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