Jetpack product version '5.1.4' not found in SDK manager


I have issue with SDK manager when trying to install Jetpack 5.1.4 for Jetson Orin AGX.

~$ sdkmanager --cli --action install --login-type devzone --product Jetson --version 5.1.4 --target-os Linux --host --target JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS --fl
ash all

Error: Product version '5.1.4' not found, available versions: 6.1, 5.1.3, 5.1.2, 4.6.6

Both client and GUI versions of the SDK manager shows no selectable option for 5.1.4.
Do you know if this is currently a common issue for everyone?

FYI, I’m using Ubuntu 20.04 on WSL2.

Hello @DNugr,

Try running the following command, it will show you all the available JetPack versions:

sdkmanager --archivedversions


sdkmanager --show-all-versions

I hope this helps!

Jose Morera
Embedded Software Engineer at RidgeRun
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Hi @jose.morera,
Unfortunately, 5.1.4 is still not showing up with those options.

Hi, it should now be enabled for WSL now, please try again.

Hi @dongbox,

there’s still issue.
It is available for selection, but it throws error in the next step:

Which version of SDK Manager are you currently using? You might want to try a different version to see if it resolves the issue. You can follow the steps to install a different vesion on this webpage: NVIDIA SDK Manager.

Hi @jose.morera,

It is SDK manager version 2.2.0.

I tried with other SDK manager versions. They do not show Jetpack version 5.1.4.
SDK manager version 1.9.x only shows Jetpack 5.1.2 as its latest version.

Thanks for the information.
This issue should be fixed now, please try again.

Hi @dongbox ,

thank you. Yes, the issue is fixed.

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