I added the continuous yuv data jpeg encoding function in the 05_jpeg_encode sample of Jetson_Multimedia_API_R35.5.0_aarch64.tbz2. The code is in the attachment 05_jpeg_encode.zip
05_jpeg_encode.zip (6.5 MB). I found that only the first frame can be encoded correctly, and all subsequent encodings are wrong. Execute the command ./jpeg_encode yuv420_1920_1536.yuv 1920 1536 test.jpg --encode-buffer --perf
It prints as follows:
pegasus@pegasus-ubuntu-3:~/workspace/jetson_multimedia/jetson_multimedia_api_v513/samples/05_jpeg_encode$ ./jpeg_encode yuv420_1920_1536.yuv 1920 1536 test.jpg --encode-buffer --perf
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 1
out_file_name: output_1920_1536_0.jpg out_size: 187012
out_file_name: output_1920_1536_1.jpg out_size: 18446744069414771811
out_file_name: output_1920_1536_2.jpg out_size: 18446744069414771729
out_file_name: output_1920_1536_3.jpg out_size: 18446744065119804708
Could not read a complete frame from file
----------- Element = jpenenc -----------
Total units processed = 4
Average latency(usec) = 7221
Minimum latency(usec) = 3512
Maximum latency(usec) = 18244
App run failed
The data length from the second frame is wrong,
Can out suggest a workaround for this issue ?