Hi guys,
I’ve recently get a Jetson Nano rev B01 and I have some trouble running the HPC SDK.
I’ve install the official image Ubuntu 18.04 for Nano, which provides Cuda 10.02. I’ve check that this work well with some simple cuda C code, all is ok.
Since Cuda 11 is not officially supported, I’ve download and install the
HPC SDK version 20.07, compatible with arm 64bit architecure and 10.02 cuda version.
The installation went well but I can’t run any code in cuda Fortran or openACC.
For example, here is a simple cuda fortran code :
attributes(global) subroutine doWork(a)
implicit none
real(KIND=8) :: a(:)
integer :: i
i = threadIdx%x
print*, "Idx = ",i
a = 2.0*a
end subroutine doWork
use cudafor
implicit none
integer :: cversion,err,rversion
type(cudaDeviceProp) :: propdev
real(kind=8) :: a
real(kind=8), device :: a_d
err = cudaGetDeviceProperties(propdev, 0)
err = cudaDriverGetVersion(cversion)
err = cudaRuntimeGetVersion(rversion)
print*, "Device : ",propdev%name
print*, "Cuda driver : Major = ",cversion/1000,"minor = ",mod(cversion,100)/10
print*, "Runtime ver : Major = ",rversion/1000,"minor = ",mod(rversion,100)/10
print*, “=========================================================”
a = 1.0
a_d = a
call doWork<<<1,1>>>(a_d)
a = a_d
print*, "End, a = ",a
end program version
Here is the output compiled with nvfortran :
Device :
Cuda driver : Major = 10 minor = 2
Runtime ver : Major = 10 minor = 2
End, a = 1.000000000000000
The cuda driver and cuda runtime is correctly detected, but no threads is running.
Does anyone knows what’s going on ?
I’ve seen somewhere that nano board use a specific driver, Is it the problem source ?
Thanks for help