Jetson TX2 zero-copy pinned memory consistency issues

I’ve been working on developing a framework for use of the persistent threads model of programming. This approach is using zero-copy pinned memory for communication between CPU and CUDA, and is running on the Jetson TX2. I’ve run into some issues with memory consistency between the CPU and GPU, in the formal sense of memory consistency.

The Jade Alglave, et. al., “GPU concurrency: Weak behaviours and programming assumptions” paper clarifies that the CUDA environment itself has a weak memory ordering model, and uses thread fences (or membar instructions) to deal with it.

But this case goes beyond that by sharing the memory buffers between CPU and GPU. So far, I have been unable to arrange thread fences & memory barriers to ensure memory consistency 100% of the time, and I’m not even entirely sure it’s possible. If so, this seems like a hardware bug to me. (Although I’d be thrilled to be proven wrong!)

The gist is this: There are two variables, Value and Lock. (Don’t get hung up on the name “Lock”. There is no actual contention for this variable. It just is used to tell the CPU when a *Value is ready.) Imagine the values start as 0.

On the GPU there is only one thread that interacts with these variables. It does this:

GPU: *Value = val;
GPU: threadfence_system();
GPU: *Lock = val;


CPU: while (*Lock != val) {}
CPU: asm volatile(“dmb sy”);
CPU: result = *Value;
CPU: assert(result == val);

And there are similar variables and similar code where the above takes place in reverse. That is, the CPU modifies the values and the GPU waits for and reads the results.

Once in a while, the CPU will see that *Lock has been set to val, but the *Value will remain the stale previous value.

I am including an example program here in-line. It performs the above logic. It also has a number of extraneous GPU threads which run pretty much independently reading and writing quasi-random cells from an Unrelated zero-copy pinned memory buffer. This is just to stress the CUDA memory system and make timing problems more likely. When running this, I also run the opensource stress program from stress-1.0.4, available using apt-get, as follows: stress -c 5 -m 5 -i 5 -d 5. This also is intended to stress the memory system, but from the CPU side.

Note that this usually takes 10s of 100s of millions of iterations before detecting a failure. Depending on how aggressive I got with (seemingly) unnecessary extra fences, I’ve seen it take billions of iterations before a failure.

I’ll appreciate any comments.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <cpuset.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <driver_types.h>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>


#define CUCHK(call)                                                 \
   do {                                                             \
      cudaError_t  err = call;                                      \
      if (err != cudaSuccess) {                                     \
         fprintf(stderr, "%s(%i): error: %s (%d)\n",                \
                 __FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString(err), err); \
         exit(1);                                                   \
      }                                                             \
   } while(0)

#define CUCHK_LAUNCH()                                              \
   do {                                                             \
      cudaError_t  err = cudaGetLastError();                        \
      if (err != cudaSuccess) {                                     \
         fprintf(stderr, "%s(%i): kernel launch error: %s (%d)\n",  \
                 __FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString(err), err); \
         exit(1);                                                   \
      }                                                             \
   } while(0)


static void bind(int  cpu)
   cpu_set_t  mask;
   CPU_SET(cpu, &mask);
   if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(mask), &mask) == -1) {
      printf("sched_setaffinity (CPU %u) failed; errno=%d (%s)\n",
             cpu, errno, strerror(errno));

static void set_priority(int  policy,
                         int  priority)
   struct sched_param  sparms;
   sparms.sched_priority = priority;
   if (sched_setscheduler(0, policy, &sparms) == -1) {
      printf("sched_setscheduler (%u,%u) failed; errno=%d (%s)\n",
             policy, priority, errno, strerror(errno));

static void shield_cpu(int          cpu,
                       const char*  filename)
   FILE*  file = fopen(filename, "r+");
   if (file == NULL) {
      printf("open(\"%s\") failed; errno=%d (%s)\n",
             filename, errno, strerror(errno));

   unsigned int  mask;
   fscanf(file, "%x\n", &mask);
   mask |= (1 << cpu);
   fprintf(file, "%x\n", mask);


static void shield_cpu_all (int  cpu)
   shield_cpu(cpu, "/proc/shield/procs");
   shield_cpu(cpu, "/proc/shield/irqs");
   shield_cpu(cpu, "/proc/shield/ltmrs");

static void real_time_setup (bool  do_mlockall = true)
   if (do_mlockall) {
      mlockall(MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE);
   set_priority(SCHED_FIFO, 80);


namespace handlers {
   static bool  dump = false;
   static bool  done = false;

   static void SIGQUIT_handler (int  signo)
      dump = true;

   static void SIGINT_handler (int  signo)
      done = true;

   static void SIGTERM_handler (int  signo)
      done = true;

   static void setup ()
      using namespace handlers;
         struct sigaction  act;
         act.sa_handler = SIGQUIT_handler;
         act.sa_flags   = 0;
         sigaction(SIGQUIT, &act, NULL);

         struct sigaction  act;
         act.sa_handler = SIGINT_handler;
         act.sa_flags   = 0;
         sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL);

         struct sigaction  act;
         act.sa_handler = SIGTERM_handler;
         act.sa_flags   = 0;
         sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL);


#define UNRELATED_N  (1024 * 1024) // must be a power of 2

__device__ unsigned int  hash (unsigned int  x)
   x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
   x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
   x = (x >> 16) ^ x;
   return x;

__global__ void persist(volatile int*  ToCpuValue,
                        volatile int*  ToCpuLock,
                        volatile int*  ToCudaValue,
                        volatile int*  ToCudaLock,
                        volatile int*  CudaTerminated,
                        int*           Unrelated)
   if (threadIdx.x == 0 && blockIdx.x == 0) {
      for (long long  test = 1;; test++) {
         int  val = test & 0x7fffffff;

         // -> CPU
         *ToCpuValue = val;
         *ToCpuLock = val;

         // -> CUDA

         while (*ToCudaLock != val) {
            if (*CudaTerminated) {
               printf("CUDA terminating on request on test %lld\n", test);
               goto bailout;


         int  toCudaValue = *ToCudaValue;
         if (toCudaValue != val) {
            printf("Failure detected on CUDA side on test %lld:\n", test);
            printf("   ToCpuValue  = %d\n"
                   "   ToCpuLock   = %d\n"
                   "   ToCudaValue = %d <- WRONG\n"
                   "   ToCudaLock  = %d\n",
                   *ToCpuValue, *ToCpuLock, toCudaValue, *ToCudaLock);
            goto bailout;

      *CudaTerminated = 1;
   } else {
      // In the other threads, stress the GPU memory system with quasi-random
      // reads & writes using Unrelated[].
      for (unsigned int  test = 0; !*CudaTerminated; test++) {
         unsigned int  readIdx   = test + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
         unsigned int  writeIdx  = readIdx + gridDim.x * blockDim.x;
         unsigned int  readHash  = hash(readIdx) & (UNRELATED_N - 1);
         unsigned int  writeHash = hash(writeIdx) & (UNRELATED_N - 1);

         Unrelated[writeHash] = Unrelated[readHash] + 1;



static void perform_cuda ()
   volatile int*  h_ToCpuValue;
   volatile int*  h_ToCpuLock;
   volatile int*  h_ToCudaValue;
   volatile int*  h_ToCudaLock;
   volatile int*  h_CudaTerminated;
   int*           h_Unrelated;

   CUCHK(cudaHostAlloc((void**)&h_ToCpuValue, 1024 * sizeof(int),
   CUCHK(cudaHostAlloc((void**)&h_ToCpuLock, 1024 * sizeof(int),
   CUCHK(cudaHostAlloc((void**)&h_ToCudaValue, 1024 * sizeof(int),
   CUCHK(cudaHostAlloc((void**)&h_ToCudaLock, 1024 * sizeof(int),
   CUCHK(cudaHostAlloc((void**)&h_CudaTerminated, sizeof(int),
   CUCHK(cudaHostAlloc((void**)&h_Unrelated, UNRELATED_N * sizeof(int),

   *h_ToCpuValue = 0;
   *h_ToCpuLock = 0;
   *h_ToCudaValue = 0;
   *h_ToCudaLock = 0;
   *h_CudaTerminated = 0;
   int*  d_ToCpuValue;
   int*  d_ToCpuLock;
   int*  d_ToCudaValue;
   int*  d_ToCudaLock;
   int*  d_CudaTerminated;
   int*  d_Unrelated;

   CUCHK(cudaHostGetDevicePointer(&d_ToCpuValue, (int*)h_ToCpuValue, 0));
   CUCHK(cudaHostGetDevicePointer(&d_ToCpuLock, (int*)h_ToCpuLock, 0));
   CUCHK(cudaHostGetDevicePointer(&d_ToCudaValue, (int*)h_ToCudaValue, 0));
   CUCHK(cudaHostGetDevicePointer(&d_ToCudaLock, (int*)h_ToCudaLock, 0));
   CUCHK(cudaHostGetDevicePointer(&d_CudaTerminated, (int*)h_CudaTerminated, 0));
   CUCHK(cudaHostGetDevicePointer(&d_Unrelated, (int*)h_Unrelated, 0));

   persist<<<2, 64>>>(d_ToCpuValue, d_ToCpuLock, d_ToCudaValue, d_ToCudaLock,
                      d_CudaTerminated, d_Unrelated);

   for (long long  test = 1;; test++) {
      int  val = test & 0x7fffffff;

      // -> CPU

      while (*h_ToCpuLock != val) {
         if (*h_CudaTerminated) {
            printf("CPU terminating on request on test %lld\n", test);
            goto bailout;

      asm volatile("dmb sy"); // seems like overkill

      int  toCpuValue = *h_ToCpuValue;
      if (toCpuValue != val) {
         printf("Failure detected on CPU side on test %lld:\n", test);
         printf("   ToCpuValue  = %d <- wrong\n"
                "   ToCpuLock   = %d\n"
                "   ToCudaValue = %d\n"
                "   ToCudaLock  = %d\n",
                toCpuValue, *h_ToCpuLock, *h_ToCudaValue, *h_ToCudaLock);

      // -> CUDA
      *h_ToCudaValue = val;
      asm volatile("dmb sy"); // seems like overkill
      *h_ToCudaLock = val;
      if (handlers::done) {
         printf("test = %lld\n", test);
      if (handlers::dump) {
         printf("test = %lld\n", test);
         handlers::dump = false;
   *h_CudaTerminated = 1;


int main (int    argc,
          char*  argv[])


   return 0;

Following up, I have tried a number of experiments:

  • Replace each __threadfence_system() with a __threadfence(); __threadfence_system() pair.
  • Added threadfence_system() after the write to *ToCpuLock.

I had low hopes for each of those, but tried them anyway. They altered the frequency of the failures, but did not prevent them. And that could just as easily be explained by them wasting extra

  • Replace ToCpuLock = val with atomicExch((int)ToCpuLock, val);

I recalled that the GPU has a separate unit for handling atomics, and so I guessed it might behave better. This reduced the frequency but, again, did not eliminate the problem.


We have found something interesting.

After reproducing this issue on our side, we execute it with cuda-memcheck to get more information.
But this inconsistency issue won’t occur if we run the program with cuda-memcheck.

cuda-memcheck ./test

We are discussing this with our internal CUDA team.
Will reply to you once we have further information.


Thanks for beginning to look into it! I look forward to hearing what the internal development teams have to say.


Maybe as a work around you could try accessing Value and Lock only with RMW instructions? That’s how we were able to get around some of the Fermi memory consistency issues.

That is not an option for Value. The example supplied here is just an illustration of the general problem, and in reality Value is an a buffer of arbitrary size. In fact, a set of buffers of arbitrary number and size. I would be a hefty burden to require all memory access to output buffers to use atomics.

As for Lock, we did try atomicExch, to no avail.


This is a known issue.

We are discussing a temporal WAR and permanent fix internally.
Will update information with you later.


I gather you mean using a WAR hazard to induce a stall long enough to ensure the preceding stores have been applied universally? I look forward to seeing how this works out.



We are discussing a solution for this issue.
Will update information to you later.


Is there any update on the issue?


Our internal team is still working on this issue.
Sorry that we don’t have information can share with you currently.


OK. Thanks for the update. I shall stay tuned.

Has a solution for this issue been found yet?


We are checking what we can share currently.
Will update information with you.


Tracking this issue with new email address.


This issue won’t be reproduced on our Jetson Xavier platform.

For TX2, we are still finding a possible solution.
This may take some time due to our internal priority.


Hello from 9 months in the future, NVidia.
Any resolution to this?
I am very interested as well.


Sorry for keeping you waiting.

This is a hardware issue and there is not much we can do for this.
Since this won’t happen on the Xavier, it’s recommended to upgrade your device into Xavier.

Thanks and really sorry for any inconvenience.

Does this apply to Jetson Nano?