L4T 35.4.1 Using problems

1,wirte the origin system of Rev35.4.1 by SDKManager
2,download the file <<Jetson_Xavier_NX_Pinmux_Configuration_Template_v1.06.xlsm>> , without and modify, to generate the 3 dtsi files and then create the 2 .cfg files, facing the same problem of this topic.
L4T 35.4.1 Pinmux - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson Xavier NX - NVIDIA Developer Forums
3,ignore the status of step 2, change the PZ03~07 function to spi1, and genereate the 3 dtsi files, and create the new .cfg files without the option “–mandatory_pinmux_file”(or else print ERROR info when creating .cfg file).
4, run flash.sh to update the kernel-dtb, bpmp-fw-dtb and MB1_BCT.
5, after run cmd: cat /sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/2430000.pinmux/pinmux-pins |grep PZ
get the return info include this:
6, when I us flash.sh to recovery the whole image(sudo ./flash.sh -r p3449-0000+p3668-0001-qspi-emmc mmcblk0p1)
7, when reboot, the screen print the info that : “a start job for end-user configuration after initial OEM installation” for a long time ,when i typed Ctrl+Alt+Del, it will reboot.
So,Is any step is error?

Hi skyun2012,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Xavier NX?

Why you are using the this board config instead of p3509-0000+p3668-0001-qspi-emmc.conf for Xavier NX?

Do you connect a monitor to finish the system configuration (oem-config) at the first boot?

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Xavier NX?
Why you are using the this board config instead of p3509-0000+p3668-0001-qspi-emmc.conf for Xavier NX?
Do you connect a monitor to finish the system configuration (oem-config) at the first boot?

hi KevinFFF,
1, My board is a custom board for Xavier NX
2, In the dir, the p3449-0000+p3668-0001-qspi-emmc.conf is a soft link of p3509-0000+p3668-0001-qspi-emmc.conf, so I think both are OK.
3, I used flash.sh to update the image. Is the “first boot” means the booting before the updating or after?

Is this still an issue to support? Any result can be shared?

I connected the hdmi port with a small screen, and mouse and keyboard, the oem-config can be work after flashed.

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