Long OpenACC directives in fortran 77 fixed format


I am working on legacy fortran code, based on the fixed format.
I have a long openacc directive that extends over multiple lines
I am extending it over multiple lines using the continuation character as below:
!$acc data copyin(residu_0, residv_0, residw_0)
1 !$acc copyout(u2, v2, w2)

This gives the following compilation error:
PGF90-S-0292-Illegal continuation line (nseqcp.f: 25)

Other variants like
!$acc data copyin(residu_0, residv_0, residw_0)
1 copyout(u2, v2, w2)

also gives the same error.
Could you please let me know how to extend openacc directives across multiple lines in the fixed format.

Hi Naga,

For fixed format, your continuation character would be added to the sixth column just after the acc sentinel, i.e.“!$acc&”

!$acc  data copyin(residu_0, residv_0, residw_0) 
!$acc& copyout(u2, v2, w2)

Hope this helps,

Thanks Mat, works!