Lossless RGB(A) DSI output


I am trying to output a pixel-perfect frame out of the DSI interface of the jetson nano. Outputting a semi-pixel perfect frame works, but the imperfections come from the fact that I have to convert my frame to NV12 first, which then converts back to RBG888 on DSI.

To output frames, I currently am using gstreamer pipeline elements as nvoverlaysink and nvdrmvideosink, but these don’t seem to work when I feed them RGB directly. (It has to be converted to I420/NV12, (e.g. by using nvvidconv) which then causes the conversion loss from my original RGB image)

From the TRM, it seems perfectly possible to set the hardware framebuffer (the windows in the tegra DC) into mode RGB(A), and so in theory, I should be able to output an exact pixel stream from userspace through gstreamer. So far I haven’t quite found out how to do this (those gst sinks are also closed source…)

I also experimented a bit with the fbdev device. By blanking/unblanking it, it seems to configure the windows in the tegradc in rgb mode. In theory I could try to use gstreamer with the fbsink then and hope for no conversion loss. Would this be a recommended option, or can we just use NVMM buffers also in RGBA mode and use one of the official gstreamer sinks?

So, to summarize, my main question: How can I place RGB(A) data into memory and make sure it is output on DSI without going through an YUV conversion?

Thanks for your feedback!

Just for reference, I tried manipulating the framebuffer directly, but still this leads to strange results.

( I have HDMI + DSI connected. DC0 is used for HDMI, DC1 for DSI)
If I enable the /dev/fb1 (by somehow having to force the accel once):

echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb1/state
fbset -fb /dev/fb1 -accel 1
root@jetson:/sys/class/graphics/fb1# fbset -i -fb /dev/fb1

mode "640x512-59"
    # D: 25.176 MHz, H: 34.206 kHz, V: 59.180 Hz
    geometry 640 512 640 512 32
    timings 39721 48 16 33 10 32 23
    hsync high
    vsync high
    accel true
    rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,8/24

Frame buffer device information:
    Name        : tegra_fb
    Address     : 0
    Size        : 41943040
    Type        : PACKED PIXELS
    Visual      : TRUECOLOR
    XPanStep    : 1
    YPanStep    : 1
    YWrapStep   : 0
    LineLength  : 2560
    Accelerator : No

Then I can access the /dev/fb1 device (my gdm/X is disabled), and read/write to it.As far as I can see, the window for the framebuffer should be configured in RGBA mode…

I can then scope the outgoing DSI stream.

But strangely enough, if I fill up the framebuffer with 0xFF FF FF FF, the resulting RBG888 value transmitted over DSI is (always accross the entire screen) 0xFF EE F0 .
Outputting 0xAB CD EF 00 (in RGBA), yields a DSI output frame containing all 0xED C1 A0 ( in RGB888)

hexdump -C /dev/fb1
00000000  ab cd ef 00 ab cd ef 00  ab cd ef 00 ab cd ef 00  |................|

I don’t understand why this is happening. Thanks in advance for any feedback on this.

24-bit RGB is not supported. 32-bit RGBA shall work. Please try

$ gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! nvvidconv ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),format=RGBA' ! nvoverlaysink

@Dane, I had been trying with RGBA, that wasn’t it.

I found the cause. I started from a DSI example where the CMU was enabled. This causes my input colors to be slightly modified, which I mistakenly interpreted as a RBG->YUV->RBG conversion artifact.


nvidia,default_color_space = <1>;

To the DTS, or just removing the cmu node fixes it.

I now get pixelperfect RGB888 output on DSI

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