Thank you again! I’ve made a few (unsuccessful) attempts, at running tao-converter and figured I’d attach a logfile for your reference as well this time:
tao-converter-attempt-output.txt (26.9 KB)
I’ve tried following the instructions on the link you’ve provided, it’s not an unfamiliar page at all, but I can’t help but feel that as a newcomer that I don’t know enough to fill in the blanks between some of the instructions. I’m still not sure if I need to or how to extract the download pulled (I run wget on line 141), there are a few other positions where I am just checking installations (like tao info --verbose, or dpkg -l |grep cuda), but otherwise I’ve just tried to replicate the linked instructions with the maybe incorrect command “chmod +x tao-converter” thrown in after configuring environment variables.
I’m a bit embarassed, as I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve made rookie mistakes thanks to my unfamiliarity with Linux and command-line work in general. I’ve searched through a few other threads and have started to wonder if I’ve been working with the right versions of everything? I ran “./tao-converter -h” and observed:
./tao-converter: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Though I’m in a docker container, my Jetson is Jetpack 6. The deepstream-lpr-app superficially is noted to have been updated for 6.4 and later on the update notes, but JetPack 6 is a more recent release than the last update to the app. I’ve seen an unaddressed issue brought up on the GitHub where someone had issues with running DeepStream 7.0 as well. Does the version pose any issues with my Jetson being configured for JetPack 6 in general, or no?
In the meantime I will try to get more information on version compatibility. Looking back at your comment, I do realize now that I glazed over your suggestion to “look for the right version” but I’m not so sure if I will end up accomplishing anything without figuring out if I’m even following the right installation process. If I don’t make further edits or give updates, I probably haven’t figured it out yet, oops.
I thank you again for your patience, and do apologize that this has been such a sticking point!