Maximize and full-screen do not span both monitors RHEL9 T1000 Gnome40

Basic info:
NVIDIA drivers 535.86.05
monitors: two 1920x1080
Quadro T1000 Mobil
Gnome 40

when I maximize a window or go full screen the window only covers 1 monitor and I want it to span both. I have tested this with a gnome-terminal by right clicking and selecting maximize, and by pressing F11 to go full screen. I have also tested this with Firefox. The final goal is to get this to work with Chromium, in kiosk mode.


xrandr --display :1
Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 3840 x 1080, maximum 32767 x 32767
DP-0 connected primary 1920x1080+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 527mm x 296mm
1920x1080 60.00*+ 74.97 59.94 50.00
1680x1050 59.95
1600x900 60.00
1440x900 59.89
1280x1024 75.02 60.02
1280x800 59.81
1280x720 60.00 59.94 50.00
1024x768 75.03 60.00
800x600 75.00 60.32
720x576 50.00
720x480 59.94
640x480 75.00 59.94 59.93
DP-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP-2 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 527mm x 296mm
1920x1080 60.00*+ 74.97 59.94 50.00
1680x1050 59.95
1600x900 60.00
1440x900 59.89
1280x1024 75.02 60.02
1280x800 59.81
1280x720 60.00 59.94 50.00
1024x768 75.03 60.00
800x600 75.00 60.32
720x576 50.00
720x480 59.94
640x480 75.00 59.94 59.93
DP-3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP-4 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP-5 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP-6 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP-7 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

I have tried several different settings for xorg.conf with some that don’t work at all, and none that allow me to go full screen across both monitors.
I am not an expert on xorg.conf settings, and I can not seem to find a complete list of options for the nvidia driver.

The following are some excerpts out of the Xorg.0.log file:
[ 28.010] (==) Log file: “/var/log/Xorg.0.log”, Time: Tue Aug 1 17:08:37 2023
[ 28.010] (==) Using config file: “/etc/X11/xorg.conf”
[ 28.010] (==) Using config directory: “/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d”
[ 28.010] (==) Using system config directory “/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d”
[ 28.011] (==) ServerLayout “Layout0”
[ 28.011] () |–>Screen “Screen0” (0)
[ 28.011] (
) | |–>Monitor “Monitor0”
[ 28.011] () | |–>Device “Device0”
[ 28.011] (
) |–>Screen “Screen1” (0)
[ 28.011] () | |–>Monitor “Monitor1”
[ 28.011] (
) | |–>Device “Device0”
[ 28.011] () |–>Input Device “Keyboard0”
[ 28.011] (
) |–>Input Device “Mouse0”
[ 28.011] () Option “Xinerama” “0”

[ 28.022] (==) NVIDIA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[ 28.022] (II) Applying OutputClass “nvidia” options to /dev/dri/card1
[ 28.022] (
) NVIDIA(0): Option “SLI” “Auto”
[ 28.022] () NVIDIA(0): Option “BaseMosaic” “on”
[ 28.022] (
) NVIDIA(0): Option “AllowEmptyInitialConfiguration”
[ 28.022] (WW) NVIDIA(0): Invalid SLI option: ‘Auto’; using single GPU rendering.
[ 28.022] (**) NVIDIA(0): Enabling 2D acceleration
[ 28.022] (II) Loading sub module “glxserver_nvidia”
[ 28.022] (II) LoadModule: “glxserver_nvidia”
[ 28.022] (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions/
[ 28.054] (II) Module glxserver_nvidia: vendor=“NVIDIA Corporation”
[ 28.054] compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
[ 28.054] Module class: X.Org Server Extension
[ 28.054] (II) NVIDIA GLX Module 535.86.10 Wed Jul 26 23:07:55 UTC 2023
[ 28.055] (II) NVIDIA: The X server supports PRIME Render Offload.
[ 28.055] (WW) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize Base Mosaic! Reason: Only one GPU
[ 28.055] (WW) NVIDIA(0): detected. Only one GPU will be used for this X screen.
[ 28.699] (–) NVIDIA(0): Valid display device(s) on GPU-0 at PCI:1:0:0

[ 28.806] (II) NVIDIA(0): Validated MetaModes:
[ 28.806] (II) NVIDIA(0): “DFP-2:1920x1080,DFP-0:1920x1080”
[ 28.806] (II) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 3840 x 1080
[ 28.852] (–) NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (92, 91); computed from “UseEdidDpi” X config
[ 28.852] (–) NVIDIA(0): option
[ 28.853] (II) NVIDIA: Reserving 24576.00 MB of virtual memory for indirect memory
[ 28.853] (II) NVIDIA: access.
[ 28.854] (II) NVIDIA(0): ACPI: failed to connect to the ACPI event daemon; the daemon
[ 28.854] (II) NVIDIA(0): may not be running or the “AcpidSocketPath” X
[ 28.854] (II) NVIDIA(0): configuration option may not be set correctly. When the
[ 28.854] (II) NVIDIA(0): ACPI event daemon is available, the NVIDIA X driver will
[ 28.854] (II) NVIDIA(0): try to use it to receive ACPI event notifications. For
[ 28.854] (II) NVIDIA(0): details, please see the “ConnectToAcpid” and
[ 28.854] (II) NVIDIA(0): “AcpidSocketPath” X configuration options in Appendix B: X
[ 28.854] (II) NVIDIA(0): Config Options in the README.
[ 28.864] (II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode “DFP-2:1920x1080,DFP-0:1920x1080”