Memory Alignment using float2 for FFT

Hello Im using Gefore9800GT for my program. I profiled the program I made and was not happy of the result so was considering aligning global memory for efficient usage. I know using float2 type would automatically allow memory alignment. The code is as following.

__global__ void kernel( int *b, int *c, int *sum_spectrum, float *resamp, bool dcsubtract, bool resample,

 bool fft, float k_resampledspacing, uchar4 *ptr ){

	int x = blockIdx.x*XDIM/2 + threadIdx.x;                       // XDIM>>1 = XDIM/2

	int i, offset;

  float data[2*YDIM];

  float phase, temp, datatemp;

	if (fft == true) { 		                                                // Do FFT processing

    for (int y=0; y<YDIM; y++) {

      if (dcsubtract == true) { b[y+x*YDIM] -= sum_spectrum[y]/XDIM;}   // Do DC subtract                            

			if (resample == true) {                                           // Do resampling

        i = int(resamp[y+0*YDIM]); 

        datatemp = b[x*YDIM+i] - resamp[y+1*YDIM]*(b[x*YDIM+i+1]-b[x*YDIM+i])/k_resampledspacing;


      else {

        datatemp = b[x*YDIM+y];


      phase = D1*(y-YDIM/2)*(y-YDIM/2);  // second order dispersion correction

			data[2*y] = datatemp * __cosf(phase);

			data[2*y+1] = datatemp * __sinf(phase);


    four1(data, YDIM, 1);

    for (int y=0; y<YDIM/2; y++) {

      c[x*2*YDIM+2*y] = data[2*y];

      c[x*2*YDIM+2*y+1] = data[2*y+1];

      temp = __log10f(data[2*y]*data[2*y] + data[2*y+1]*data[2*y+1])/12.;

      offset = x + (YDIM/2 - y) * XDIM;

      ptr[offset].x = 255 * temp - 100;

      ptr[offset].y = 255 * temp - 100;

      ptr[offset].z = 255 * temp - 100;

      ptr[offset].w = 255;



	else {				// Don't do FFT processing

		for (int y=0; y<YDIM; y++) {

      if (dcsubtract == true) {b[y+x*YDIM] -= sum_spectrum[y]/YDIM;}     // Do DC subtract

      int offset = x + y * XDIM;

			ptr[offset].x = 255 * (float)b[x*YDIM + y]/(65535);

			ptr[offset].y = 255 * (float)b[x*YDIM + y]/(65535);

			ptr[offset].z = 255 * (float)b[x*YDIM + y]/(65535);

			ptr[offset].w = 255;




the profile showed that access to data array and ptr array is what matters. So what I was considering is using float2* instead of float* for data array. However, Im struggling and having no progress on here. So my question is

i) is using float2* for data array is sufficient for memory alignment? (for ptr float4*)

ii) How can I use float2* for FFT?

****FYI YDIM = 1024

Thank you.