I compiled NvDecodeGL from Video_Codec_SDK_7.0.1 and checked it with Intel Inspector XE to find memory leaks. Run command was:
> ./NvDecodeGL -nointerop -i=./1.h264 -o=./1.yuv
Inspector found a lot of memory leaks:
- in VideoParser at line:
CUresult oResult = cuvidCreateVideoParser(&hParser_, &oVideoParserParameters);
- in libcuda.so and libnvcuvid.so.
Also I inserted only 3 lines
typedef void* CUDADRIVER;
CUDADRIVER hHandleDriver = 0;
cuInit(0, __CUDA_API_VERSION, hHandleDriver);
in my own proigram and inspector found leak in CUDAAPI function
Are there a way to fix these leaks?