Micro-USB OTG function doesn't work for Xavier Carrier board without TYPE-C


We designed our own Xavier carrier board, with no type-c and PD controller, but we have two TYPE-A USB and one Micro-USB as OTG, my problem is the Micro-USB OTG cann’t be used as Device, but as Host is fine.

  1. I disabled “typec-extcon” in dts, and add “vbus_id_extcon” with ID Pin and VBUS_DETECT
  2. HW has only ID Pin, but no VBUS_DETECT Pin (I use a fake pin for that in dtsi )
  3. Two TYPE-A USB and Micro-USB as host to connnect USB Devices(such as U-Disk, USB Mouse) works fine, but Micro-USB as Device failed, when it connect to PC there is no response.
  4. USB VBUS Supply the same as E-SATA, so I modified it as below:
xusb_padctl@3520000 {
		pex_dvdd-supply = <&p2888_spmic_sd0>;
		pex_hvdd-supply = <&p2888_spmic_sd1>;
		pex_pll_hvdd-supply = <&p2888_spmic_sd1>;
		vclamp_usb-supply = <&p2888_spmic_sd3>;
		avdd_usb-supply = <&p2888_spmic_ldo5>;
		avdd_pll_nvhs_eutmip-supply = <&p2888_spmic_sd1>;
		ports {
			usb2-0 {
				vbus-supply = <&p2822_vdd_5v_sata>;
			usb2-1 {
				vbus-supply = <&p2822_vdd_5v_sata>;
			usb2-2 {
				vbus-supply = <&p2822_vdd_5v_sata>;
			usb2-3 {
				vbus-supply = <&p2822_vdd_5v_sata>;
  1. USB HW Design is attached.

Here are the DTS files :

 * Common include DTS file for CVM:P2888-0001 and CVB:P2822-0000 variants.
 * Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.

#include "dt-bindings/extcon-ids.h"
#include "dt-bindings/gpio/tegra194-gpio.h"
#include "tegra194-p2888-0000-a00.dtsi"
#include <t19x-common-platforms/tegra194-platforms-eqos.dtsi>
#include "tegra194-p2822-0000-a00.dtsi"
#include "tegra194-power-tree-p2888-0001-p2822-1000.dtsi"
#include <t19x-common-platforms/tegra194-comms.dtsi>
#include "tegra194-thermal-p2888.dtsi"
#include "tegra194-plugin-manager-p2888-0000.dtsi"
#include "tegra194-plugin-manager-p2822-0000.dtsi"
#include "tegra194-super-module-e2614-p2888-0000.dtsi"

#define EXTCON_NONE				0
#define EXTCON_USB             1
#define EXTCON_USB_Host        2

/ {
	nvidia,dtsfilename = __FILE__;
	nvidia,dtbbuildtime = __DATE__, __TIME__;
	nvidia,fastboot-usb-vid = <0x0955>;
	nvidia,fastboot-usb-pid = <0xee1e>;
	model = "jetson-xavier";

	compatible = "nvidia,jetson-xavier", "nvidia,tegra194";

	chosen {
		bootargs ="console=ttyTCU0,115200";

	firmware {
		android {
			compatible = "android,firmware";
			hardware = "jetson-xavier";
			vbmeta {
				compatible = "android,vbmeta";
				parts = "vbmeta,kernel,kernel-dtb,APP,vendor,SOS";
			fstab {
				compatible = "android,fstab";
				vendor {
					compatible = "android,vendor";
					dev = "/dev/block/platform/3460000.sdhci/by-name/vendor";
					type = "ext4";
					mnt_flags = "ro";
					fsmgr_flags = "wait,avb";
				odm {
					compatible = "android,odm";
					dev = "/dev/block/platform/3460000.sdhci/by-name/odm";
					type = "ext4";
					mnt_flags = "ro";
					fsmgr_flags = "wait,avb";

	spi@c260000 {
		status = "disabled";

	spi@3270000 {
		status = "disabled";

	spi@3300000 {
		status = "disabled";

	pmc@c370000 {

	i2c@c240000 {
		bmi160@69 {
			compatible = "bmi,bmi160";
			reg = <0x69>;
			interrupt-parent = <&tegra_aon_gpio>;
			interrupts = <TEGRA194_AON_GPIO(AA, 2) GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
			accelerometer_matrix    = [01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01];
			gyroscope_matrix        = [01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01];
			accelerometer_delay_us_min = <1250>;
			gyroscope_delay_us_min = <1250>;
			status = "okay";
		ucsi_ccg: ucsi_ccg@8 {
			status = "disabled";
			typec-extcon {
				typec_port0: port-0 {
					status = "okay";
					#extcon-cells = <1>;
				typec_port1: port-1 {
					status = "okay";
					#extcon-cells = <1>;
			typec-pd {
				typec_pd: pd {
					status = "okay";
					#extcon-cells = <1>;

	xusb_padctl: xusb_padctl@3520000 {
		status = "okay";

		pads {
			usb2 {
				lanes {
					usb2-0 {
						nvidia,function = "xusb";
						status = "okay";
					usb2-1 {
						nvidia,function = "xusb";
						status = "okay";
					usb2-2 {
						nvidia,function = "xusb";
						status = "okay";
					usb2-3 {
						nvidia,function = "xusb";
						status = "okay";
			usb3 {
				lanes {
					usb3-0 {
						nvidia,function = "xusb";
						status = "okay";
					usb3-2 {
						nvidia,function = "xusb";
						status = "okay";
					usb3-3 {
						nvidia,function = "xusb";
						status = "okay";

		ports {
			usb2-0 {/* A501 USB Ports */
				mode = "otg";
				status = "okay";
			usb2-1 {
				mode = "host";
				status = "okay";
			usb2-2 {
				mode = "host";
				status = "okay";
			usb2-3 {
				mode = "host";
				status = "okay";
			usb3-0 {
				nvidia,usb2-companion = <0>;
				status = "okay";
			usb3-2 {
				nvidia,usb2-companion = <1>;
				status = "okay";
			usb3-3 {
				nvidia,usb2-companion = <3>;
				nvidia,usb3-gen1-only= <1>;
				status = "okay";

	external-connection {
		vbus_id_extcon: extcon@1 {
			compatible = "extcon-gpio-states";
			reg = <0x01>;
			extcon-gpio,name = "VBUS";
			extcon-gpio,wait-for-gpio-scan = <0>;
			extcon-gpio,cable-states = <0x3 0x0
						    0x0 0x2
						    0x1 0x2
						    0x2 0x1>;
			gpios = <&tegra_main_gpio TEGRA194_MAIN_GPIO(Z, 1) 0
				&tegra_main_gpio TEGRA194_MAIN_GPIO(Q, 0) 0>;
			extcon-gpio,out-cable-name-strings = "USB", "USB-Host";
			extcon-gpio,out-cable-names = <EXTCON_USB EXTCON_USB_HOST EXTCON_NONE>;
			#extcon-cells = <1>;
	tegra_xudc: xudc@3550000 {
		extcon-cables = <&vbus_id_extcon 0>;
		extcon-cable-names = "vbus";
		#extcon-cells = <1>;
		phys = <&{/xusb_padctl@3520000/pads/usb2/lanes/usb2-0}>,
		phy-names = "usb2", "usb3";
		nvidia,xusb-padctl = <&xusb_padctl>;
		nvidia,boost_cpu_freq = <1200>;
		status = "okay";

	tegra_xhci: xhci@3610000 {
		extcon-cables = <&vbus_id_extcon 1>;
		extcon-cable-names = "id";
		#extcon-cells = <1>;
		phys = <&{/xusb_padctl@3520000/pads/usb2/lanes/usb2-0}>,
		phy-names = "usb2-0", "usb2-1", "usb2-3", "usb2-2",
			"usb3-2", "usb3-0", "usb3-3";
		nvidia,xusb-padctl = <&xusb_padctl>;
		status = "okay";

	arm-pmu {
		status = "okay";

	power-domain {
		status = "disabled";

	interrupt-controller {
		status = "disabled";

	mods-simple-bus {
		status = "disabled";

	eeprom-manager {
		status = "disabled";

	cpuidle {
		compatible = "nvidia,tegra19x-cpuidle";
		status = "okay";

	thermal-zones {
		status = "disabled";

	reserved-memory {
		ramoops_carveout {
			status = "okay";

	mttcan@c310000 {
		status = "okay";

	mttcan@c320000 {
		status = "okay";

	serial@3110000 {
		status = "okay";

	pwm@32c0000 {
		status = "okay";

	pwm@32f0000 {
		status = "okay";

	i2c@31e0000 {
		pinctrl-names = "default";
		pinctrl-0 = <&dpaux_default>;
		bmi160@69 {
			compatible = "bmi,bmi160";
			reg = <0x69>;
			accelerometer_matrix    = [01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01];
			gyroscope_matrix        = [01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01];
			status = "okay";

	host1x {
		dpaux@155F0000 {
			status = "okay";
			compatible = "nvidia,tegra194-dpaux3-padctl";
			/delete-property/ power-domains;
			dpaux_default: pinmux@0 {
				dpaux3_pins {
					pins = "dpaux3-3";
					function = "i2c";

	hardwood {
		compatible = "nvidia,denver-hardwood";
		interrupts = <0 24 0x4>;

	ufshci@2450000 {

&head0 {
	extcon-cables = <&typec_port0 2 &typec_port1 2>;
	extcon-cable-names = "typec0", "typec1";
	#extcon-cells = <1>;

&head1 {
	extcon-cables = <&typec_port0 2 &typec_port1 2>;
	extcon-cable-names = "typec0", "typec1";
	#extcon-cells = <1>;

&head2 {
	extcon-cables = <&typec_port0 2 &typec_port1 2>;
	extcon-cable-names = "typec0", "typec1";
	#extcon-cells = <1>;

&sor0 {
	nvidia,typec-port = /bits/ 8 <0>;

&sor1 {
	nvidia,typec-port = /bits/ 8 <1>;

#if LINUX_VERSION >= 414
#include <tegra194-linux-4.14.dtsi>

Dear Sir,

I have fixed the problem, pls ignore this topic.

Hi dennis_Leetop

We have the same Problem at the moment. Can you explain us what was the solution?
Thank you!

Kind regards

Hi sevm89,

Fisrt, disable TYPE-C function like: ucsi_ccg
Second, add a new extcon for USB configuration
Third, replace extcon-cables in tegra_xudc and tegra_xhci

Modify two dtsi files:

Hi dennis_Leetop

Thank you for your fast answer, we were able to make it work.

Best regards

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