mpirun_dbg.pgdbg missing

The FAQ at tells me to copy $PGI/$PGI/linux86/bin/mpirun_dbg.pgdbg to my mpich directory, but there is no mpirun_dbg.pgdbg anywhere in $PGI nor in the PGI tarball. Can someone tell me where to get this file?

Hi Adam,

“mpirun_dbg.pgdbg” is located in the bin directory of the PGI CDK product but is not included with the PGI Workstation or Server. I’m happy to post the file but you’ll need a CDK license in order to use the MPI capabilities of PGBDG. The Workstation and Server configurations only allow for OpenMP debugging (See the PGDBG product page for more infomation).

If you do not have the CDK product but would like more information about upgrading, please contact
