MultiGPU start help

I’m trying to make a program work on a multiGPU setup. But I have a few questions.

before running the code I need to allocate some memory on each device. I do that in a init function because It’s for openGL and I can’t alloc in the loop, because then i would quite fast run opt of memory.

is that just


cudaMalloc((void**)&d_Data_0, number * sizeof(float));


cudaMalloc((void**)&d_Data_1, number * sizeof(float));

and then when I have to run my program





or is there a smarter way to do that?

after my calculations on the device, I put my data in a VBO. Is there a way to merge those, now that I will have multiple?


Spawn a thread for each GPU you wish to control, and give work to it.

You can do this on Ocelot if you want (using the NVIDIA backend). Here is an example that I wrote a while back:

report(" Launching kernels...");

				for( int device = 0; device != devices; ++device )


						report("  for device " << device);

						cudaSetDevice( device );

						cudaMalloc( (void**) &pointers[ device ], sizeof( unsigned int ) );

						cudaMemset( pointers[ device ], 0, sizeof( unsigned int ) );


						cudaConfigureCall( dim3( 1, 1, 1 ), dim3( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, 0 );

						long long unsigned int p = (long long unsigned int)pointers[device];

						cudaSetupArgument( &p, sizeof( long long unsigned int ), 0 );

						ocelot::launch( "simpleKernels", "increment" );



				report(" Loading results.");

				for( int device = 0; device != devices; ++device )


						cudaSetDevice( device );

						unsigned int result = 0;

						cudaMemcpy( &result, pointers[ device ], 

								sizeof( unsigned int ), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );

						if( result != 1 )


								status << "Test Point 1 FAILED:\n";

								status << " Expected result 1 for device " << device << " (" 

										<< getDeviceName(device) << "), but got " << result << "\n";

								return false;


						cudaFree( pointers[ device ] );


I personally think that it is simpler than launching a bunch of worker threads…

Edit: Note that the ocelot api calls (e.g. ocelot::launch ) are optional, you can use the standard <<< >>> notation as well.

Thanks for the replies…

I can’t see how any of them would be easy to play with. I would prefer not declaring pointers within a thread, since it loops, and I reuse it instead of allocating for new, because the first have giving me some memory leak problems. But my best guess is that they can’t use the same device pointer, but I might be wrong here. I can see the simplicity in ocelot, but I think it have the same problem.
But if they can use the same pointers, as long as they are within a “thread” then I could see some smart things. Though I don’t have diffrent devices on the system, I can imagine that would give allocation problems with a threadded approach


Yeah, even with ocelot, if you allocate memory on one device pointers to that memory will only be valid in kernels that are called on that device. It is one of the drawbacks of each card having a separate address space.

If I understand what you’re asking correctly, you’re trying to do something very similar to what I’m doing. Let me take a stab at what I think you want to accomplish.


//Set these to whatever you need

#define SIZE 1024

#define COND 1

float *h_data, *g_data0, *g_data1;

int num_gpus;


//cudaSetDevice has to be called before any other cuda call


#pragma omp parallel



switch(omp_get_thread_num()) {

	case 0:

		cudaMalloc((void**) &g_data0, SIZE/2*sizeof(float));


	case 1:

		cudaMalloc((void**) &g_data1, SIZE/2*sizeof(float));




cudaMallocHost((void**) &h_data, SIZE*sizeof(float));

while(COND) {

//Prepare your host data

#pragma omp parallel


	switch(omp_get_thread_num()) {

	case 0:

		cudaMemcpy(g_data0, &h_data[0], SIZE/2*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		//Of course, this won't work without the thread information


		cudaMemcpy(&h_data[0], g_data0, SIZE/2*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);


	case 1:

		cudaMemcpy(g_data1, &h_data1, number*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);


		cudaMemcpy(&h_data1, g_data1, number*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);




Two things to note. In the memory transfers, you are using an offset for h_data so that the end result is a combination of the two arrays. The other thing is that while you have to use different device pointers for each device, you are able to reuse them throughout the loop.

OK… it’s something like this I’m thinking. Thanks…

hi guys

I hope to post in the correct area!

I’m trying to write a simple program to understando how CUDA context works:

this is my program:

include <pthread.h>

include <stdio.h>

include <cuda.h>

define NUM_THREADS 2

float d1, d2;

float * m1, * m2;

int devnumber = 1;

CUcontext hcuContext = 0;

void *

inizialize (void *)


CUdevice hcuDevice;

cuDeviceGet( &hcuDevice, devnumber );

cuCtxCreate( &hcuContext, 0, hcuDevice );

cudaMalloc ((void **) &m1, sizeof (float));

cudaMalloc ((void **) &m2, sizeof (float));

float dd1 = 1.0;

float dd2 = 2.0;

cudaMemcpy (m1, &dd1, sizeof (float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

cudaMemcpy (m2, &dd2, sizeof (float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

//cudaMemcpy (&d1, m1, sizeof (float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

//cudaMemcpy (&d2, m2, sizeof (float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

//fprintf (stdout, “%f %f \n”, d1, d2);


cudaThreadSynchronize ();

pthread_exit (NULL);


void *

compute_function (void *)


cuCtxPushCurrent( hcuContext );

cudaMemcpy (&d1, m1, sizeof (float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

cudaMemcpy (&d2, m2, sizeof (float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

fprintf (stdout, “%f %f \n”, d1, d2);

cudaThreadSynchronize ();

pthread_exit (NULL);



main (int argc, char *argv)


pthread_t threads;

pthread_create (&threads, NULL, inizialize, NULL);

if (pthread_join (threads, NULL))


fprintf (stderr, “error pthread_join\n”);



pthread_create (&threads, NULL, compute_function, NULL);

if (pthread_join (threads, NULL))


fprintf (stderr, “error pthread_join\n”);






is corret to use the context in this way? I need that the second thread print 1.0 and 2.0 but without cuda context doesn’t work. With this solution the compiler return the following errors:

/tmp/tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-12_th1.o: In function `main’:

tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-1_th1.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x10a5c): undefined reference to `cuCtxDestroy’

/tmp/tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-12_th1.o: In function `compute_function(void*)':

tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-1_th1.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x10a80): undefined reference to `cuCtxPushCurrent’

/tmp/tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-12_th1.o: In function `inizialize(void*)':

tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-1_th1.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x10b12): undefined reference to `cuDeviceGet’

tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-1_th1.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x10b24): undefined reference to `cuCtxCreate’

tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-1_th1.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x10b90): undefined reference to `cuCtxPopCurrent’

someone can give me an hand? Please i need it works for my degree thesis

hi guys

I hope to post in the correct area!

I’m trying to write a simple program to understando how CUDA context works:

this is my program:

include <pthread.h>

include <stdio.h>

include <cuda.h>

define NUM_THREADS 2

float d1, d2;

float * m1, * m2;

int devnumber = 1;

CUcontext hcuContext = 0;

void *

inizialize (void *)


CUdevice hcuDevice;

cuDeviceGet( &hcuDevice, devnumber );

cuCtxCreate( &hcuContext, 0, hcuDevice );

cudaMalloc ((void **) &m1, sizeof (float));

cudaMalloc ((void **) &m2, sizeof (float));

float dd1 = 1.0;

float dd2 = 2.0;

cudaMemcpy (m1, &dd1, sizeof (float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

cudaMemcpy (m2, &dd2, sizeof (float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

//cudaMemcpy (&d1, m1, sizeof (float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

//cudaMemcpy (&d2, m2, sizeof (float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

//fprintf (stdout, “%f %f \n”, d1, d2);


cudaThreadSynchronize ();

pthread_exit (NULL);


void *

compute_function (void *)


cuCtxPushCurrent( hcuContext );

cudaMemcpy (&d1, m1, sizeof (float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

cudaMemcpy (&d2, m2, sizeof (float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

fprintf (stdout, “%f %f \n”, d1, d2);

cudaThreadSynchronize ();

pthread_exit (NULL);



main (int argc, char *argv)


pthread_t threads;

pthread_create (&threads, NULL, inizialize, NULL);

if (pthread_join (threads, NULL))


fprintf (stderr, “error pthread_join\n”);



pthread_create (&threads, NULL, compute_function, NULL);

if (pthread_join (threads, NULL))


fprintf (stderr, “error pthread_join\n”);






is corret to use the context in this way? I need that the second thread print 1.0 and 2.0 but without cuda context doesn’t work. With this solution the compiler return the following errors:

/tmp/tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-12_th1.o: In function `main’:

tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-1_th1.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x10a5c): undefined reference to `cuCtxDestroy’

/tmp/tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-12_th1.o: In function `compute_function(void*)':

tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-1_th1.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x10a80): undefined reference to `cuCtxPushCurrent’

/tmp/tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-12_th1.o: In function `inizialize(void*)':

tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-1_th1.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x10b12): undefined reference to `cuDeviceGet’

tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-1_th1.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x10b24): undefined reference to `cuCtxCreate’

tmpxft_00006a46_00000000-1_th1.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x10b90): undefined reference to `cuCtxPopCurrent’

someone can give me an hand? Please i need it works for my degree thesis