NGC API Authentication Deleted Key Continues To Work and Cannot Be Generated Reliably

Hello, I’ve been having a great deal of headache and issues with the NGC API Key usage.

Getting an API Key to properly authenticate to begin with is problematic. The only way I’ve found is to keep trying to generate keys and inexplicably it eventually works through the standard login process. I’ve found no pattern of behavior that can reliably make a key generate and authenticate properly.

However, and possibly more problematically, once I have a functioning API Key, if that key is revoked through the website, it still functions as a working API Key if used to login.


This is me loggin out and clearing stored credentials, then using the previously generated key that has since been deleted to login. It can be seen in the next image that I have no active keys that should be valid for authenticating.

The issue is twofold, and from an external perspective indicates some serious issues with your API backend on your webserver.

Update 1:

My deleted key eventually stopped functioning. I am beginning to suspect the underlying issues are related to some backend sync process that your API key has. It seems to update at the frequency of 5-10 minutes at which point generated keys begin working and deleted keys stop working.

As API keys can only be accessed at time of generation, the typical user will immedietly copy and paste the key into their login prompt. If it does not authenticate, docker will not remember the credential. If the user’s clipboard is lost and they do not have the key stored somewhere, it likely will require them to regenerate a key. This creates a behavior where the user keeps trying until they get lucky and between generating a key and entering it into the authentication the API backend syncs and their key is recognized.

I’d recommend all individuals having issues with their API key authentication to save it somewhere, and wait until the key starts working before generating a new key.