No Realsense device detected after installing ros-humble-isaac-ros-realsense


Camera: d435i
Camera firmware:
librealsense: 2.55.1
Realsense ROS Driver version: 4.55.1
Ubuntu 22.04
Jetpack 6.0 (36.3.0)
Kernel. 5.15.136-tegra
CUDA: 12.2
Device: Jetson Orin Nano

I followed the tutorial for setting up the camera Isaac ROS RealSense Setup inside the docker. I am able to succesfully detect the device and view images in realsense-viewer.

Then I followed the isaac_ros_visual_slam quickstart and after running the command sudo apt-get -y install ros-humble-isaac-ros-realsense I am no longer able to detect the Realsense Device inside the docker. Yet, running lsusb outside the docker correctly detects the camera. I downgraded the camera firmware to mach but it didnā€™t help. ROS driver to 4.51.1 also does not help. I am able to launch nodes but I get:

[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/admin/.ros/log/2024-06-26-11-57-58-867588-inbiodroid-desktop-221445
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [realsense2_camera_node-1]: process started with pid [221446]
[realsense2_camera_node-1] [INFO] [1719424679.404200628] []: RealSense ROS v4.55.1
[realsense2_camera_node-1] [INFO] [1719424679.404493732] []: Built with LibRealSense v2.55.1
[realsense2_camera_node-1] [INFO] [1719424679.404548123] []: Running with LibRealSense v2.55.1
[realsense2_camera_node-1] [WARN] [1719424679.422043340] []: No RealSense devices were found!

I am a Jeston begginer, I appreciate the help.

Thanks in advanced.

Hi @desqueda

Welcome to the Isaac ROS forum,

Please check our troubleshooting page:

It should help you to fix your issue.
Let me know.


Hi @desqueda,

Have you been able to fix this problem? Iā€™m getting the same error with a realsense d455 and isaac_ros_yolov8: After the ROS RealSense Setup everything worked fine, but after running sudo apt-get install -y ros-humble-isaac-ros-examples ros-humble-isaac-ros-realsense neither the realsense-viewer command nor the following command to run yolo-v8 was able to locate the realsense-cameraā€¦

cd /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev && \
ros2 launch isaac_ros_examples launch_fragments:=yolov8 interface_specs_file:=${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/isaac_ros_assets/isaac_ros_yolov8/quickstart_interface_specs.json \
   model_file_path:=${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/isaac_ros_assets/models/yolov8/yolov8s.onnx engine_file_path:=${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/isaac_ros_assets/models/yolov8/yolov8s.plan

Thanks in advance,


Unfortunately I have not been able to solve this issue. I was able to stream images from the Realsense to ROS by installing ros-realsense (developer branch) from source, as suggested in the Troubleshooting. This allows me to succesfully launch the ros2 run realsense2_camera realsense2_camera_node inside the container.

[INFO] [1719950521.744049807] [camera]: RealSense ROS v4.51.1
[INFO] [1719950521.744288880] [camera]: Built with LibRealSense v2.55.1
[INFO] [1719950521.744325776] [camera]: Running with LibRealSense v2.55.1
[INFO] [1719950522.252983452] [camera]: Device with serial number 242522070420 was found.

However, I am not able to run any of the Isaac examples. Not installing ros-humble-isaac-ros-realsense gives me ā€œpackage ā€˜isaac-ros-realsenseā€™ not foundā€. After installing, Iā€™m no longer able to detect the Realsense Device.

[INFO] [1719950739.316291899] [camera]: RealSense ROS v4.51.1
[INFO] [1719950739.316585310] [camera]: Built with LibRealSense v2.55.1
[INFO] [1719950739.316635199] [camera]: Running with LibRealSense v2.55.1
[WARN] [1719950739.333667559] [camera]: No RealSense devices were found!

I also added the 99-realsense-libusb.rules to etc/udev/rules.d as the troubleshooting says, but it didnā€™t help. I also noticed the troubleshooting suggests V 4.54.1 for RealSense ROS but iā€™m not sure how to make this version update.

@ben-b_cv , @Raffaello If you happen to come across a solution or any advice, please let me know.


Hi @desqueda

We are still investigating the reason for this issue; I keep you posted.

Thank you in advance,

Hi @ben-b_cv

Weā€™ve released a fix for the Realsense.
Simply run sudo apt-get update and reinstall the package to make it work.

Let me know if itā€™s fixed now.


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Hi @Raffaello

After sudo apt-get update I managed to get Visual SLAM running by building isaac_ros_visual_slam from source. The camera is detected throughout all packages and streaming correctly.

Thanks for your time!

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