No /camera topic after launch isaac_ros_visual_slam with Realsense

I’m running the isaac_ros_visual_slam demo following the reference Tutorial for Visual SLAM Using a RealSense Camera with Integrated IMU — isaac_ros_docs documentation

The HW is Xavier NX. The Jackpack is 5.1.2, L4T 35.4.1.

1, Finished the isaac environment setup. Can enter the docker by cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common &&
./scripts/ ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}
2, Finished the ROS realsense setup. Realsense-viewer can open the realsense D435i camera.
3, Done the build successfully. cd /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev && colcon build --symlink-install && source install/setup.bash
4, ros2 launch isaac_ros_visual_slam
5, ros2 topic list is below:
admin@em3-desktop:/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev$ ros2 topic list

Questions: the ros2 topic list didn’t have /camera prefix topic. For example /camera/accel/imu_info, /camera/infra1/camera_info.

Hi @ztm

looks like the camera is not streaming the IR cameras.
Have you tried this troubleshooting?


Hi Raffaello,

I can see any IR images by Realsense-viewer if clicked IR camera. Both works well in isaac ros container or native jetson os.
The troubleshooting link you posted it points to a amd64.deb, not for arm.

Thank you for your reply.

Have you checked the realsense firmware and driver versions of your release?

Isaac ROS vslam use 5.14.0 or newer

Please follow also this documentation:

Hi Raffaello,
The firmware looks good. V5.16.0.1.
I’m also using the 4.51.1 tagged release for the realsense-ros package.

Looking at your last screenshot, it seems to be related to your USB cable. The realsense-viewer detects it as USB 2.1, but you should use a USB 3 cable. The USB 2 cable causes streaming issues.

I found this link that may help you Which type USB cable to use for stable work of RealSense D435I and realsense-ros? · Issue #1184 · IntelRealSense/realsense-ros · GitHub

Keep me posted if fix your error.


Hi Raffaello,
Thanks very much for the findings.
I plug the usb cable again, it recoginzed as USB3.2. But ros2 topic list still missing something.

Can you share me also the output from

ros2 launch isaac_ros_visual_slam

May we can figure out why the realsense node is crashing

Hi Reffaello,
Attached the log. Thank you for looking. (1.2 KB)

Hi @ztm

you launch instead of
The reason the realsense node is not contained in that launch file.

Could you please run:

ros2 launch isaac_ros_visual_slam

please also follow: Tutorial for Visual SLAM Using a RealSense Camera with Integrated IMU — isaac_ros_docs documentation

Thank you in advance,

Hi Raffaello,
Thanks for the finding.Sorry for my mistype.
Working with the, the ros2 topic list looks good now.
ros2 launch isaac_ros_visual_slam (5.7 KB)
ros2 topic list.txt (1.4 KB)

But those topic publis have some problems.
1, No output by: ros2 topic hz /camera/infra1/image_rect_raw --window 20, ros2 topic hz /camera/imu --window 20
2, No image or position and orientation update on the Riviz2 by the CMD: Rviz2 -d src/isaac_ros_visual_slam/isaac_ros_visual_slam/rviz/realsense.cfg.rviz

Hi @Raffaello
Created a new bug about realsense driver. Maybe there is a relationship?

I have a reasonable feeling that your second post is involved in this topic as well.

What is your setup? Judging from your photos, it seems like you’re running everything from your Jetson.

If it is true and possible, try to read the telemetry from another PC and avoid running anything that requires a display connected to the Jetson to save as much CPU and GPU work as possible.

To read the telemetry, you can use Foxglove

Hi Raffaello,
Thank you so much for the help. I’ve been busy with other urgent things for the past two weeks. Sorry for the late response.
Yes, it’s running everything from my Jetson.
I used Foxglove to read topics, also is very slow or stuck.
As for the CPU/GPU utilization by jtop, looks like not fully used.

Hi! Before visualizing, we need to check that the ROS graph is working as expected. SInce you mentioned there is no output on running ros2 topic hz /camera/infra1/image_rect_raw --window 20, it seems like images aren’t being published at an acceptable rate.

Could you please try running the tutorial without any visualization tool like RViz or Foxglove open? Let us know if you see the expected output for the command above.

Hi asawareeb, when I ran ros2 topic hz /camera/infra1/image_rect_raw --window 20 and there is no output. I didn’t turn on the RViz or Foxglove.
BTW, I just saw ISAAC ROS 3.0 only support Orin. Maybe I should upgrade my Xavier to Orin.