Okay, so I’m slowly learning CUDA and I’m new to parallel programming and such so bare with me please :)
I’m working on a program capable of multiplying non square matrices. I successfully managed to implement the square matrix multiplication listed in the documentation (I read it through one time to get an idea of what they were doing and then tried to build it without reading the code again to see if I understood it, only needed a few touchups). So this may only make sense if you’ve done / read that example. Anyway, I’m now trying to see if I can build a non-square matrix multiplier, and not having a lot of success. I thought I had figured out the key, which would go something like this:
Dispatch enough threads to cover the size of the largest matrix (specifically making sure dimensions of the grid covered the largest side of the largest matrix)
When calling getElement() to fill in the subMatricies, calculate the global thread X position ((blockDim.x * blockIdx.x) + threadIdx.x), and if it’s greater than the number of columns than the matrix in question, return NULL.
When multiplying the subMatricies together, while looping through A values and B values, if either values == NULL, skip over it.
Then when calling setElement() on Csub, if a value == NULL, return without setting it.
However, this has basically gone horribly wrong somewhere and hours of debugging hasn’t lead me to an answer… in the end all I’m getting back in the end are the same values I’m passing in. Normally, I’m absolutely HORRIBLY inept with pointers, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got them all right… but if anyone can see an obvious “duh” why this isn’t working right, I’d deeply appreciate it. I’ll bake you cookies! :) I’ve tried to code this adequately enough to make sure it’s easily skimmed through, cut out a few non-essential functions to cut down length, but tried to leave enough to make sure it’s got everything necessary… Anyone see any obvious problems? If I had to guess, I’d imagine the problem is somewhere in the getSubMatrix area, but I’m not sure where… -_-
[codebox]using namespace std;
#define SIZE_m 50
#define SIZE_n 100
#define SIZE_p 150
#define BLOCKSIZE 16
#define DEBUG 0
typedef struct{
unsigned int rows;
unsigned int cols;
unsigned int size;
float *elements;
} Matrix;
host void initHostMatrix(Matrix* M, int rows, int cols, float *elements){
M->rows = rows;
M->cols = cols;
M->size = rows * cols * sizeof(float);
M->elements = elements;
host void initDeviceMatrix(Matrix* d_M, Matrix* M){
d_M->rows = M->rows;
d_M->cols = M->cols;
d_M->size = M->size;
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_M->elements, d_M->size);
cudaMemcpy(d_M->elements, M->elements, d_M->size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
device Matrix getSubMatrix(Matrix M, int blockRow, int blockCol){
// set our position in Matrix M...
Matrix Msub;
Msub.rows = blockDim.x;
Msub.cols = blockDim.y;
Msub.size = Msub.rows * Msub.cols;
Msub.elements = (M.elements // start at beginning of M
+ (M.cols * blockDim.y * blockRow) // skip over all the rows in blocks above current blockrow
+ (blockDim.x * blockCol)); // skip over all cols prior to block col
return Msub;
device float getElement(Matrix M, Matrix Msub, int row, int col){
int globalX = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + col;
int globalY = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + row;
if (globalX >= M.cols || globalY >= M.rows) { return NULL; }
return *(Msub.elements + (row * M.cols) + col);
device void setElement(Matrix M, Matrix Msub, int row, int col, float cValue){
int globalX = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + col;
int globalY = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + row;
if (globalX >= M.cols || globalY >= M.rows) { return; }
else {
*(Msub.elements + (row * M.cols) + col) = cValue;
global void matrixMultKernel(Matrix A, Matrix B, Matrix C){
// We now have A, B, and C. Their elements pointers
// point to an area directly in GPU memory
int blockRow = blockIdx.x;
int blockCol = blockIdx.y;
int threadRow = threadIdx.x;
int threadCol = threadIdx.y;
Matrix Csub = getSubMatrix(C, blockRow, blockCol);
float cValue = 0.0;
// – we need to make sure that the block row of A
// does not column index the subMatrixA below where
// it should... therefore each call to getElement
// needs to have a getGlobalX and getGlobalY call
// which then checks to see if either GlobalX or
// GlobalY exceeds Matrix.row or Matrix.col, respect-
// ively, if it does, place NULL in that location,
// then during the multiplication stage, simply check
// each element for NULL values and no not multiply
// any elements which equate to NULL.
Matrix Asub;
Matrix Bsub;
for(int pos = 0; pos < ((SIZE_n)/(BLOCKSIZE) + 1); pos++){
Asub = getSubMatrix(A, blockRow, pos);
Bsub = getSubMatrix(B, pos, blockCol);
shared float as[BLOCKSIZE][BLOCKSIZE];
__shared__ float bs[BLOCKSIZE][BLOCKSIZE];
as[threadRow][threadCol] = getElement(A, Asub, threadRow, threadCol);
bs[threadRow][threadCol] = getElement(B, Bsub, threadRow, threadCol);
for (int e = 0; e < BLOCKSIZE; e++) {
if ((as[threadRow][e] != NULL) && (bs[e][threadCol] != NULL)){
cValue += as[threadRow][e] * bs[e][threadCol];
setElement(C, Csub, threadRow, threadCol, cValue);
int main()
Matrix A;
Matrix B;
Matrix C;
Matrix d_A;
Matrix d_B;
Matrix d_C;
float elementsA;
float elementsB;
float elementsC;
initElements(*elementsA, sizeof(elementsA)/sizeof(float), 1); // these two functions just init all elements to 1
initElements(*elementsB, sizeof(elementsB)/sizeof(float), 1);
initElements(*elementsC, sizeof(elementsC)/sizeof(float), 0); // this one inits all to 0
initHostMatrix(&A, SIZE_m, SIZE_n, *elementsA);
initHostMatrix(&B, SIZE_n, SIZE_p, *elementsB);
initHostMatrix(&C, SIZE_m, SIZE_p, *elementsC);
initDeviceMatrix(&d_A, &A);
initDeviceMatrix(&d_B, &B);
initDeviceMatrix(&d_C, &C);
Matrix* largestMatrix;
if(A.size >= B.size) { if(A.size >= C.size) largestMatrix = &A; }
else if(B.size >= C.size) { largestMatrix = &B; }
else { largestMatrix = &C; }
// there is no need to make the gridsize any larger than measurement / BLOCKSIZE +1
// (+1 is to compensate for overflow)
int measurement;
if (largestMatrix->rows > largestMatrix->cols) { measurement = largestMatrix->rows; }
else { measurement = largestMatrix->cols; }
unsigned int gridsize = (measurement / BLOCKSIZE) + 1;
dim3 dimGrid(gridsize, gridsize);
matrixMultKernel<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>> (d_A, d_B, d_C);
cudaMemcpy(C.elements, d_C.elements, d_C.size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE_m; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < SIZE_p; j++){
cout<<i<<", "<<j<<": "<<elementsC[i][j]<<"\n";
return 0;