Not able to set the minimum exposure value and gain mentioned in the device tree while using v4l2-ctl for the very first time


I’m using Xavier NX and Jetpack 4.4.1 for my development. While I was trying to integrate Image Sensor(OV2311) to Xavier NX, I was not able to set the minimum value of exposure and gain mentioned in the Device Tree for the very first time. In this case the register values of sensor is not written with these values. But I’m able to set the value just above to that value and this got reflected in the registers. Once I had set the value other than the minimum value, the next time I’m able to set the minimum value mentioned in the Device Tree. In this case, the register values get reflected in the sensor. I’m using v4l2-ctl to set the Exposure and Gain values. Does anyone had encountered the same issue before?. It would be great if someone could help me to resolve this issue. Please find my Device Tree Sample.

ov2311_e@10 {
			compatible = "nvidia,ov2311";

			reg = <0x10>;

			devnode = "video4";

			physical_w = "15.0";
			physical_h = "12.5";

			sensor_model ="ov2311";

			use_sensor_mode_id = "true";

			sensor_slave_mode = "true";
			mode0 {
				mclk_khz = "24000";
				num_lanes = "2";
				tegra_sinterface = "serial_e";
				phy_mode = "DPHY";
				discontinuous_clk = "no";
				dpcm_enable = "false";
				cil_settletime = "0";
				dynamic_pixel_bit_depth = "8";
				csi_pixel_bit_depth = "8";
				mode_type = "raw";
				pixel_phase = "grey";
				pixel_t = "gray";

				active_w = "1600";
				active_h = "1300";
				readout_orientation = "0";
				line_length = "2944";
				inherent_gain = "1";
				pix_clk_hz = "250122240";
				serdes_pix_clk_hz = "833333333";

				gain_factor = "16";
				min_gain_val = "0"; /* 0dB */
				max_gain_val = "255"; /* 48dB */
				step_gain_val = "1"; /* 0.1 */
				default_gain = "100";

				min_hdr_ratio = "1";
				max_hdr_ratio = "1";

				framerate_factor = "1000000";
				min_framerate = "20000000"; /* 20fps */
				max_framerate = "20000000"; /* 20fps */
				step_framerate = "1";
				default_framerate = "20000000";

				exposure_factor = "1000000";
				min_exp_time = "11"; /* us */
				max_exp_time = "50000"; /* us */
				step_exp_time = "1";
				default_exp_time = "15070";/* us */
				embedded_metadata_height = "0";

hello sebin.thankachan,

practically, v4l2 pipeline did not parse mode settings via device tree for camera initialization.
it’s taking those settings within your sensor init registers to program the sensor and start the stream.

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