NPP collapsed functions variants

As per NPP documentation : (What is NPP ? — npp 12.3 documentation)

Also NPP will soon release an API variant that provides collapsed combined parameter versions of many API calls. For example a call like nppiAdd_8u_C3R_Ctx(pSrc1, nSrc1Step, pSrc2, nSrc2Step, pDst, nDstStep, oSizeROI, nppStreamCtx) will become nppiAdd_Ctx(NPP_8U, NPP_CH_3, pSrc1, nSrc1Step, pSrc2, nSrcStep2, pDst, nDstStep, oSizeROI, nppStreamCtx). This makes adding support for new data types and number of channels simpler as well as significantly reducing redundant documentation.

Is there an ETA on this ? Is it still planned ?

My use case is making bindings to NPP in Rust. It is currently not trivial to add support for all operations while being generic over sample type and channel layout.

For reference, I have working Rust bindings here : I’m using macros and traits to generate zero overhead specialization for different channel and sample type.