Hi everybody,
I try to use the npp function nppiFilter_8u_C1R. To test it, I use the example “boxFilterNPP” and I replace the function “nppiFilterBox_8u_C1R” by “nppiFilter_8u_C1R” with a specific kernel. When I run the example, I have the return error -24 (NPP_TEXTURE_BIND_ERROR).
Can you help me please ?
Here my code (in blue the original code from boxFilterNPP and in red my code):
std::string sFilename;
char *filePath = findFilePath("Lena.pgm", argv[0]);
if (filePath) {
sFilename = filePath;
} else {
printf("Error %s was unable to find Lena.pgm\n");
shrQAFinishExit(argc, (const char **)argv, QA_FAILED);
// Parse the command line arguments for proper configuration
parseCommandLineArguments(argc, argv);
printfNPPinfo(argc, argv);
if (g_bQATest == false && (g_nDevice == -1) && argc > 1) {
sFilename = argv[1];
// if we specify the filename at the command line, then we only test sFilename[0].
int file_errors = 0;
std::ifstream infile(sFilename.data(), std::ifstream::in);
if (infile.good()) {
std::cout << "boxFilterNPP opened: <" << sFilename.data() << "> successfully!" << std::endl;
file_errors = 0;
} else {
std::cout << "boxFilterNPP unable to open: <" << sFilename.data() << ">" << std::endl;
if (file_errors > 0) {
shrQAFinish(argc, (const char **)argv, QA_FAILED);
std::string sResultFilename = sFilename;
std::string::size_type dot = sResultFilename.rfind(‘.’);
if (dot != std::string::npos) sResultFilename = sResultFilename.substr(0, dot);
sResultFilename += "_boxFilter.pgm";
if (argc >= 3 && !g_bQATest)
sResultFilename = argv[2];
// declare a host image object for an 8-bit grayscale image
npp::ImageCPU_8u_C1 oHostSrc;
// load gray-scale image from disk
npp::loadImage(sFilename, oHostSrc);
// declare a device image and copy construct from the host image,
// i.e. upload host to device
npp::ImageNPP_8u_C1 oDeviceSrc(oHostSrc);
// create struct with box-filter mask size
NppiSize oMaskSize = {3, 3};
// create struct with ROI size given the current mask
NppiSize oSizeROI = {oDeviceSrc.width() - oMaskSize.width + 1, oDeviceSrc.height() - oMaskSize.height + 1};
// allocate device image of appropriatedly reduced size
npp::ImageNPP_8u_C1 oDeviceDst(oSizeROI.width, oSizeROI.height);
// set anchor point inside the mask to (0, 0)
NppiPoint oAnchor = {0, 0};
// run box filter
NppStatus eStatusNPP;
//eStatusNPP = nppiFilterBox_8u_C1R(oDeviceSrc.data(), oDeviceSrc.pitch(),
// oDeviceDst.data(), oDeviceDst.pitch(),
// oSizeROI, oMaskSize, oAnchor);
Npp32s pKernelCPU[9] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1, 1, 1 };
Npp32s* pKernelGPU;
cudaMalloc<Npp32s>((Npp32s**)&pKernelGPU, 3*3*sizeof(Npp32s));
cudaMemcpy( pKernelGPU, pKernelCPU,9 * sizeof(Npp32s),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );
eStatusNPP=nppiFilter_8u_C1R(oDeviceSrc.data(), oDeviceSrc.pitch(),oDeviceDst.data(), oDeviceDst.pitch(),oSizeROI, pKernelGPU, oMaskSize, oAnchor, 9);
if ( NPP_NO_ERROR != eStatusNPP )
std::cerr << " xxxxx error "<<eStatusNPP<<" xxxxx"<<std::endl;
// declare a host image for the result
npp::ImageCPU_8u_C1 oHostDst(oDeviceDst.size());
// and copy the device result data into it
oDeviceDst.copyTo(oHostDst.data(), oHostDst.pitch());
saveImage(sResultFilename, oHostDst);
std::cout << "Saved image: " << sResultFilename << std::endl;
shrQAFinish(argc, (const char **)argv, QA_PASSED);