Nvc/nvc++ miscompiles if cosf/sinf is called

We’ve encountered a possible miscompilation with the following program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

void f(int X, int G, const float *xs, const float *ys, float *zs) {
  for (int i = 0; i < X; i++) {
    int ix = G * X + i;
    // problematic expression:
    zs[ix] = cosf(xs[ix]) * cosf(ys[ix]);
    // also reproducible with:
    //  zs[ix] = sinf(xs[ix]) * sinf(ys[ix]); 
    //  zs[ix] = cosf(xs[ix]) * sinf(ys[ix]); 
    //  zs[ix] = sinf(xs[ix]) * cosf(ys[ix]); 

#define N (16) // anything less than this and the problem goes away

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  float xs[N] = {0.f, 1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 0.f, 1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 0.f, 1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 0.f, 1.f, 2.f, 3.f}; // random values
  float ys[N] = {0.f, 1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 0.f, 1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 0.f, 1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 0.f, 1.f, 2.f, 3.f}; // random values

  float zs1[N] = {};
  for (int G = 0; G < (N / 1); G++)
    f(1, G, xs, ys, zs1);

  float zs2[N] = {};
  for (int G = 0; G < (N / 2); G++)
    f(2, G, xs, ys, zs2); // wrong answer!

  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) // check for errors
    printf("[%d] |%f - %f| = %f\n", i, zs1[i], zs2[i], fabs(zs1[i] - zs2[i]));

  return 0;
> /opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/22.7/compilers/bin/nvc++ nvhpc_miscompile.cpp -O2 -g 
> ./a.out
[0] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[1] |0.291927 - 0.540302| = 0.248376
[2] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[3] |0.980085 - 0.411982| = 0.568103
[4] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[5] |0.291927 - 0.540302| = 0.248376
[6] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[7] |0.980085 - 0.411982| = 0.568103
[8] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[9] |0.291927 - 0.540302| = 0.248376
[10] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[11] |0.980085 - 0.411982| = 0.568103
[12] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[13] |0.291927 - 0.540302| = 0.248376
[14] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[15] |0.980085 - 0.411982| = 0.568103

Absolute difference should be 0 in all cases.
The bug is reproducible with -O2 or -fast, but not -O0
GCC and Clang reports the correct result at any optimisation level, even -Ofast :

[0] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[1] |0.291927 - 0.291927| = 0.000000
[2] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[3] |0.980085 - 0.980085| = 0.000000
[4] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[5] |0.291927 - 0.291927| = 0.000000
[6] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[7] |0.980085 - 0.980085| = 0.000000
[8] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[9] |0.291927 - 0.291927| = 0.000000
[10] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[11] |0.980085 - 0.980085| = 0.000000
[12] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[13] |0.291927 - 0.291927| = 0.000000
[14] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[15] |0.980085 - 0.980085| = 0.000000

We suspect the vectorised intrinsics (cos/sin) of 2-wide vectors is incorrect.
Looking the the disassembly, the f function got inlined into main as expected and the callsite of the problematic expression looks identical to a working combination ( tanf(xs[ix]) * cosf(ys[ix]) in this case):

;  incorrect result:
;     zs[ix] = cosf(xs[ix]) * cosf(ys[ix]); 
  4011b0: 48 63 db                      movslq  %ebx, %rbx
  4011b3: c4 c1 7a 10 04 9f             vmovss  (%r15,%rbx,4), %xmm0    # xmm0 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero
  4011b9: e8 a2 fe ff ff                callq   0x401060 <__fs_cos_1@plt>
  4011be: c5 fa 11 45 d4                vmovss  %xmm0, -44(%rbp)
  4011c3: c4 c1 7a 10 04 9c             vmovss  (%r12,%rbx,4), %xmm0    # xmm0 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero
  4011c9: e8 92 fe ff ff                callq   0x401060 <__fs_cos_1@plt>
  4011ce: c5 fa 59 45 d4                vmulss  -44(%rbp), %xmm0, %xmm0
  4011d3: c4 c1 7a 11 04 9e             vmovss  %xmm0, (%r14,%rbx,4)

  ; correct result:
  ;     zs[ix] = tanf(xs[ix]) * cosf(ys[ix]);  
  4011f0: 48 63 db                      movslq  %ebx, %rbx
  4011f3: c4 c1 7a 10 04 9f             vmovss  (%r15,%rbx,4), %xmm0    # xmm0 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero
  4011f9: e8 72 fe ff ff                callq   0x401070 <__fs_cos_1@plt>
  4011fe: c5 fa 11 45 d4                vmovss  %xmm0, -44(%rbp)
  401203: c4 c1 7a 10 04 9c             vmovss  (%r12,%rbx,4), %xmm0    # xmm0 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero
  401209: e8 42 fe ff ff                callq   0x401050 <__fs_tan_1@plt>
  40120e: c5 fa 59 45 d4                vmulss  -44(%rbp), %xmm0, %xmm0
  401213: c4 c1 7a 11 04 9e             vmovss  %xmm0, (%r14,%rbx,4)

The issue is reproducible via -tp=znver3, znver2, neoverse-v1, neoverse-n1, skylake-avx512 with NVHPC 22.3, 22.5, and 22.7.
For reference, this bug is a reduction of the BUDE kernel: miniBUDE/fasten.hpp at v2 · UoB-HPC/miniBUDE · GitHub


Thanks Tom.

Looks like we might have this fixed already as I get correct results in our pre-release 22.9 compiler. Though I’m not seeing a related report so added TPR#32290. We’ll add a regression test, as well as a reminder to myself to notify you once I’ve verified the fix is in the final 22.9.

Note that while unlikely, on occasion we’ve had to pull check-ins so I can’t guarantee the fix will make it into the final 22.9 release.

% nvc++ nvhpc_miscompile.cpp -fast -V22.7 ; a.out
[0] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[1] |0.291927 - 0.540302| = 0.248376
[2] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[3] |0.980085 - 0.411982| = 0.568103
[4] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[5] |0.291927 - 0.540302| = 0.248376
[6] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[7] |0.980085 - 0.411982| = 0.568103
[8] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[9] |0.291927 - 0.540302| = 0.248376
[10] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[11] |0.980085 - 0.411982| = 0.568103
[12] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[13] |0.291927 - 0.540302| = 0.248376
[14] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[15] |0.980085 - 0.411982| = 0.568103
% nvc++ nvhpc_miscompile.cpp -fast -V22.9 ; a.out
[0] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[1] |0.291927 - 0.291927| = 0.000000
[2] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[3] |0.980085 - 0.980085| = 0.000000
[4] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[5] |0.291927 - 0.291927| = 0.000000
[6] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[7] |0.980085 - 0.980085| = 0.000000
[8] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[9] |0.291927 - 0.291927| = 0.000000
[10] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[11] |0.980085 - 0.980085| = 0.000000
[12] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[13] |0.291927 - 0.291927| = 0.000000
[14] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[15] |0.980085 - 0.980085| = 0.000000


Hi Tom,

FYI, engineering let me know that the fix in 22.9 is due to a rewrite of sincos. Also, you can work around the issue with earlier compiler versions using the internal compiler flag “-Mx,15,0x8”.


Hi Tom,

22.9 has been released and can confirm the issue reported in TPR #32290 has been addressed.

% nvc++ nvhpc_miscompile.cpp -fast -V22.7 ; a.out
[0] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[1] |0.291927 - 0.540302| = 0.248376
[2] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[3] |0.980085 - 0.411982| = 0.568103
[4] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[5] |0.291927 - 0.540302| = 0.248376
[6] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[7] |0.980085 - 0.411982| = 0.568103
[8] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[9] |0.291927 - 0.540302| = 0.248376
[10] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[11] |0.980085 - 0.411982| = 0.568103
[12] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[13] |0.291927 - 0.540302| = 0.248376
[14] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[15] |0.980085 - 0.411982| = 0.568103
% nvc++ nvhpc_miscompile.cpp -fast -V22.9 ; a.out
[0] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[1] |0.291927 - 0.291927| = 0.000000
[2] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[3] |0.980085 - 0.980085| = 0.000000
[4] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[5] |0.291927 - 0.291927| = 0.000000
[6] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[7] |0.980085 - 0.980085| = 0.000000
[8] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[9] |0.291927 - 0.291927| = 0.000000
[10] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[11] |0.980085 - 0.980085| = 0.000000
[12] |1.000000 - 1.000000| = 0.000000
[13] |0.291927 - 0.291927| = 0.000000
[14] |0.173178 - 0.173178| = 0.000000
[15] |0.980085 - 0.980085| = 0.000000


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