nvcc cannot find a supported cl version. Only MSVC 8.0 and MSVC 9.0 are supported

I run on Windows 7 64 bits and I use Visual Studio 2010.
I tried to compile my first .cu program with nvcc (3.1) and it gave the following:
“nvcc cannot find a supported cl version. Only MSVC 8.0 and MSVC 9.0 are supported”

Is it possible to have an idea of when nvcc will support MSVC 10.0?

In the meantime, is there an easy way to get around this (only with command line operations please, I do not use Visual Studio IDE)?

Maybe there is a beta version of nvcc that fixes the issue?

Many thanks in advance,

Hi, if you install the Visual Studio 2008, the problem will go away.

Hi, if you install the Visual Studio 2008, the problem will go away.

I am in the same exact boat that you are. I am trying to get nvcc to work from Visual Studio 2010, also from 64-bit Windows 7. I do hope that support will come for this SOON.

  • Allen

I am in the same exact boat that you are. I am trying to get nvcc to work from Visual Studio 2010, also from 64-bit Windows 7. I do hope that support will come for this SOON.

  • Allen

Welcome to the club! I wish they would at least give us regular updates as to progress toward support of VS2010.

I do have a simple but not entirely satisfying workaround. Rather than putting the .cu files in the VS2010 project, I invoke nvcc from the command line and then put the object files in the project as ‘source’ files.
This is the command line for the file HARDWARE.CU:
nvcc -I"C:\CUDA\include" -maxrregcount=32 -gencode=arch=compute_10,code="sm_10,compute_10" -gencode=arch=compute_20,code="sm_20,compute_20" --compile -o “HARDWARE.cu.obj” “HARDWARE.cu”

Of course, I don’t get the benefit of fancy interoperability features. But at least I can build my project using VS2010. After paying a fortune for VS2010, I don’t want to fork out more cash for VS2008 just to buy time until Nvidia updates their support!


Welcome to the club! I wish they would at least give us regular updates as to progress toward support of VS2010.

I do have a simple but not entirely satisfying workaround. Rather than putting the .cu files in the VS2010 project, I invoke nvcc from the command line and then put the object files in the project as ‘source’ files.
This is the command line for the file HARDWARE.CU:
nvcc -I"C:\CUDA\include" -maxrregcount=32 -gencode=arch=compute_10,code="sm_10,compute_10" -gencode=arch=compute_20,code="sm_20,compute_20" --compile -o “HARDWARE.cu.obj” “HARDWARE.cu”

Of course, I don’t get the benefit of fancy interoperability features. But at least I can build my project using VS2010. After paying a fortune for VS2010, I don’t want to fork out more cash for VS2008 just to buy time until Nvidia updates their support!


Hi !
Thank you for your replies.
I thought I was the only one on earth to have this problem
and I seriously started to wonder if I had missed a point (a big one!).
I have contacted NVIDIA customer help support and I am now waiting for info
as to when nvcc will start supporting MSVC2010.
In the meantime, I will try this recipe, at least to be able to get acquainted with CUDA.

Hi !
Thank you for your replies.
I thought I was the only one on earth to have this problem
and I seriously started to wonder if I had missed a point (a big one!).
I have contacted NVIDIA customer help support and I am now waiting for info
as to when nvcc will start supporting MSVC2010.
In the meantime, I will try this recipe, at least to be able to get acquainted with CUDA.

I just tried your recipe and I am faced with the same problem when running nvcc on the command line:
“nvcc cannot find a supported cl version. Only MSVC 8.0 and MSVC 9.0 are supported”

I am in a strange situation: I have ordered 2 (two) Tesla C2050 GPUs
because I desperately need more computing power for my research
and I am not yet even able to compile my first .cu program
to learn to use CUDA on my current GeForce…

I wish they at least tell us when nvcc will support MSVC 10.0 External Image

I just tried your recipe and I am faced with the same problem when running nvcc on the command line:
“nvcc cannot find a supported cl version. Only MSVC 8.0 and MSVC 9.0 are supported”

I am in a strange situation: I have ordered 2 (two) Tesla C2050 GPUs
because I desperately need more computing power for my research
and I am not yet even able to compile my first .cu program
to learn to use CUDA on my current GeForce…

I wish they at least tell us when nvcc will support MSVC 10.0 External Image

I’m using driver api, and to make nvcc work with only vs2010 install I had to manually copy the needed binaries and headers for nvcc.exe to stop complaining. I think nvcc.exe doesn’t really care which compiler version it uses, it only checks for some environment variable set in vsvars32.bat. That means you can trick nvcc.exe to think it is using old compiler version.


Edit: I can share the “standalone nvcc” set of files (nvcc + minimum vs compiler stuff needed) which I use to make driver api work with vs2010 and which might simply work for cuda runtime as well (but I didn’t check)

I’m using driver api, and to make nvcc work with only vs2010 install I had to manually copy the needed binaries and headers for nvcc.exe to stop complaining. I think nvcc.exe doesn’t really care which compiler version it uses, it only checks for some environment variable set in vsvars32.bat. That means you can trick nvcc.exe to think it is using old compiler version.


Edit: I can share the “standalone nvcc” set of files (nvcc + minimum vs compiler stuff needed) which I use to make driver api work with vs2010 and which might simply work for cuda runtime as well (but I didn’t check)

Edit: I can share the “standalone nvcc” set of files (nvcc + minimum vs compiler stuff needed) which I use to make driver api work with vs2010 and which might simply work > for cuda runtime as well (but I didn’t check)
I would be most grateful if you could share this set of files. I would like to test whether it allows compilation with nvcc.

Edit: I can share the “standalone nvcc” set of files (nvcc + minimum vs compiler stuff needed) which I use to make driver api work with vs2010 and which might simply work > for cuda runtime as well (but I didn’t check)
I would be most grateful if you could share this set of files. I would like to test whether it allows compilation with nvcc.

Just send me a PM with your e-mail


Just send me a PM with your e-mail


Hi Sergey.

I think I have the same problem, I can’t use the nvcc command. I’m using Visual Studio 2010 also.

I’d be most grateful if you can help me. I’ll send you a PM with my e-mail account.


Arturo V.

Hi friends.

I tried to execute the ‘nvcc’ command and received the same message: “nvcc cannot find a supported cl version. Only MSVC 8.0 and MSVC 9.0 are supported”.
I have Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2010. My NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit was the version 3.1.

Following the recommendations, I uninstalled the Toolkit version 3.1 and installed the Toolkit version 4.1. After that there was no problem with the execution of the ‘nvcc’ command.

Thank You Sergey!!