I’ve verified this only happens when i add this specific element to the pipeline.
Video of screen tearing
• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU)
Jetson AGX Orin - Jetpack 35.2.1 (32GB) • DeepStream Version
deepstream-6.3_6.3.0-1 • JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only)
35.2.1 • TensorRT Version • Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs)
Question • How to reproduce the issue ? (This is for bugs. Including which sample app is using, the configuration files content, the command line used and other details for reproducing)
Using nvdewarper.
• Requirement details( This is for new requirement. Including the module name-for which plugin or for which sample application, the function description)
I am using nvdewarper to convert a fish eye camera to prespective.
here is my pipline:
I installed deep stream from a deb file, the Jetpack version was what I copied from JTOP.
Rest assured, the nvdewarp plugin became available only after I installed deep stream.
I once had a similar issue when I was running DP 6.2 with JP 5.1.1.
Once I upgraded my JP version to JP 5.1.2 which had DP 6.3, the issue was resolved.
Since you are not using a dev kit, you cannot really upgrade your JP version, can you?
I think even if you try to use opencv to convert a fish eye camera to perspective, you may have a kind of a similar problem (I did)? not really the screen tearing but like black lines.
If you are really good at python and have a good understanding of libvips/pyvips, maybe you could try changing this code and modify it accordingly.
its simply not practical for folks using Edge computers to upgrade the equipment at will, sometimes these boards have customization on top that would make the BSP development long (imagine having to upgrade your operating system every time the mail application doesn’t work)
Is there anyway to make dewarp work with the Deepstream 6.3 ? Is it something that is not advised to use ?
The key problem is that you need to follow the platform compatibility. If your board should keep JetPack 35.2.1, you can only use DeepStream 6.2 version.