After installing ubuntu 15.10 with nvidia-364 from graphics-drivers ppa:
NVENC 6.0 SDK Sample on compilation, running with this command:
./NvEncoder -i …/common/video/plush1_720p_10s.m2v -o hello.avi -size 1280 720
NvEncoder: …/common/src/NvHWEncoder.cpp:506: NVENCSTATUS CNvHWEncoder::NvEncOpenEncodeSessionEx(void*, NV_ENC_DEVICE_TYPE): Assertion `0’ failed.
NVENC 4.0 Linux SDK on the command :
Gives :
GetNumberEncoders() has detected 1 CUDA capable GPU device(s) <<
[ GPU #0 - < GeForce 930M > has Compute SM 5.0, NVENC Available ]
InitCUDA() has detected 1 CUDA capable GPU device(s)<<
[ GPU #0 - < GeForce 930M > has Compute SM 5.0, Available NVENC ]
Select GPU #0 - < GeForce 930M > supports SM 5.0 and NVENC
File: src/CNVEncoder.cpp, Line: 1872, nvEncOpenEncodeSessionEx() returned with error 2
Note: GUID key may be invalid or incorrect. Recommend to upgrade your drivers and obtain a new key
NVENC error at src/CNVEncoder.cpp:1874 code=2(NVENC that devices pass by the client is not supported) “nvStatus”
Can someone help?